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Hey, welcome to the forums.


Airsoft is a very open sport, you can approach it however you want. We're all generally very happy and helpful people (especially on these forums) and we aim to please. It's more or less a never ending mission to get more people into the sport/hobby and spread the word about it, as currently not a lot of people know very much about it.


There are laws surrounding airsoft which are particularly painful if you're under 18, are you aware of UKARA and two tone guns? As an under 18 you'll have to have any gun you buy painted 51% a bright colour to turn it into an IF (imitation firearm) in accordance with the VCRA 2007, but once you turn 18 you can buy RIFs (realistic imitation firearms) in their true colours.


If you need any help with anything, or want to know more, just look around the forums, there's likely an existing thread that covers what you want to know somewhere on here. If not, just post a new topic.

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Hey, welcome to the forums.


Airsoft is a very open sport, you can approach it however you want. We're all generally very happy and helpful people (especially on these forums) and we aim to please. It's more a less a never ending mission to get more people into the sport/hobby and spread the word about it, as currently not a lot of people know very much about it.


There are laws surrounding airsoft which are particularly painful if you're under 18, are you aware of UKARA and two tone guns? As an under 18 you'll have to have any gun you buy painted 51% a bright colour to turn it into an IF (imitation firearm) in accordance with the VCRA 2007, but once you turn 18 you can buy RIFs (realistic imitation firearms) in their true colours.


If you need any help with anything, or want to know more, just look around the forums, there's likely an existing thread that covers what you want to know somewhere on here. If not, just post a new topic.

Yeah, I have been reading up on that this morning. Thanks for the welcome, I think I'm going to have to try Airsoft over the summer holidays.

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dont mean to but in.but you have to be 18 even to buy a brightly coloured gun.and welcome to the forums


Yeah, but anyone can get anyone over 18 to "gift" them an IF, so on paper it's only really a technicality. I didn't think it was worth mentioning this early on.


But yes, you are correct and I apologise for possibly putting the wrong message across.

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