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Help on down powering a WE M4

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Can anyone assist. straight out of the box this gun is firing 400fps. I need and want to get this down to 350fps.


Am i right in thinking that usually american products have a M120 spring in and would be easy enough to put in a lesser spring to bring it in the right realms of power.....?

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Can anyone assist. straight out of the box this gun is firing 400fps. I need and want to get this down to 350fps.


Am i right in thinking that usually american products have a M120 spring in and would be easy enough to put in a lesser spring to bring it in the right realms of power.....?


Yes, putting an M100 or 1J spring in there should bring it down below 350. It depends on your local site limits but as some now have a max 350 limit for AEGs then trying to get as near as possible to 350 is likely to get some shots going over, so you'll not be able to use it. Aim for about 330 fps to give yourself enough leeway in case a few shots stray close to the limit.

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Its WE.... Its a gbbr not aeg.

You'll need an ra tech npas, this will let you set the fps to whatever you want :)



This is the New WE M4 AEG....not a GBB

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Would you mind writing a review of it after you've had it for a while? It'll be interesting to see if the AEGs are any good, 'cos the price tag is immensely low for a full metal M4.

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Will right a review when it arrives no problems.


Like you say an immensley low price tag for what it is. Every review I have read from elsewhere has been amazing, they love it. Just power high for the UK is the only problem but a new spring should sort

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