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Hi, any one know something about LASERTAG and AIRSOFT combo system? Can be the features?

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sorry for my English!


I'm from Italy but next year probably i will coming in England for some month's. I'm interest to know about groups that play MILSIM LaserTag AirSoft Combo System or only LaserTag (prefer near London). This system consist in to an airsoft gun added of an infrared emitter and receiver system that works around 200 meter (engage).


I have decide to move to this system with some friend because it's really more realistic for me but i can't find anyone that use it in Enlgland.


There are more different codes in LaserTag system, this system use MILES1.


Anyone know something about?


Thanks :(


PS if i have post inside wrong area i'm sorry. Please move it in to more right place.

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I don't know of anywhere you can do this, I've never heard of the laser tag system you mentioned either.


It might not even exist in the UK.


Your best bet is to try some straight up laser tag, or some straight up airsoft. Airsoft is the more prevalent choice as there are miles more places to do it, I think your only real option for MilSim laser tag is here:


http://www.warfighters.co.uk/ and to be honest, I think it looks quite lame.

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Yes, it's exactly this! ;)

But i already have the gun, works fine and i have spent 399 euro. In warfighters every game session cost too mach for a continuos practice.


In Italy this game it's becoming "famous", do you think that in England is possibile that will be to?

Do you think that in the feature you can move from a pure AIRSOFT to a mixed laser tag and Airsoft combo system?


I play in airsoft mode from 2008 and now that i have try LACS.... wow it's really difficult to come back.

Most big difference is the highlander absence and the real distance engagement 200mt.


Also in Germany and Spain i know that there was some clubs.


Thanks so much :)


PS Any one know something about...?

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Are you sure mean an airsoft/laser combo? That makes it sound like an airsoft gun that shoots both BB and laser - which is a bit confusing and sounds pretty pointless!


I think you just mean a lasertag system based on airsoft guns. So it's really an airsoft gun (so it looks real) with the airsoft internals removed and replaced with a laser system designed to military specs. This would be to differentiate it from the children's style laser tag/quasar systems used at kiddies birthday parties :)


The only one I'm aware of in the UK is Warfighters - they have a couple of sites in the UK, mainly in the midlands about a 90 min drive from London. I do not think they allow players to own their own guns - their business model is rental only so they make more money! I think it looks pretty good, but it costs too much to play regularly. That's why airsoft is more popular - you can own your own guns and it's a lot cheaper to play.

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LACS works in LaserTag mode same http://www.warfighters.co.uk/ or you can switch to BB mode with a simple switch button.


Previously video is really beauty and compact but unusable because you need to strike a little point on you target with a little emitter.


In LaserTag/LACS you have a conic invisible IR light (more bigger) that need to strike fore sensors. But if the surface that you need to strike is very small, same as laser, the IR light surface have a really bigger area. So the proportion between emitter and target was similar bu inverse to a body strike from a little bullet. You invert the factor but the result is the same ;)


Hear a video where you see a LACS and pure Laser Tag MilSIM competition in CQB.





More action



OutDoore Sniper 200 Mt



Give me your feedback ;)

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I do rather like the idea, for proper MilSim events it would help to pick realism up where airsoft range causes it to fall short, I'd like to give it a go.


Though I'm not so keen on wearing those laser hit detection things, are they weather proof and shock proof and everything? Seem like they might restrict movement and where you can go, as well as the fact that they're attached to your gun, which must make using a sidearm difficult.


Also, do you dry fire the gun to use the laser system? How does ammo and stuff for it work?

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There was also wifi system but if you use a single sliding, same as Magpul Dynamics, you don't feel the cable.

You can merge the cable with the sliding.


I shuts sometimes with real M4, Colt G17 during dynamic shot competition, don't fell any difference about the cable and also the precision is really similar. Sometimes your real gun make a little movement, some times your LaserTag fails because the angle between your emitter and the receive is not the best, but.... it's really realistics.


Clear you can go to play with your personal really M4 but i think is not safety and also i think it's very difficult to find some other players :D


I hope that in the next features you can try this system.

More safety, more really, more happy :)


If you stay in italy you can also take for a little price the system for 1 week. I don't think can be possible from england. If you want i can ask for you :)

Or probably is more cheeper if you take a low cost fly and came hear to make a competition :D

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You mean you can use the same system using real fire arms firing blanks? 'Cos that sounds amazingly awesome.


However, it'll never be allowed in the UK since our firearms laws are so OTT, especially regarding handguns.

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Yeah, up until Warfighters was on the Gadget show that's what I thought it was, I was right disappointed when I found out it was just shoddy laser tag.

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You mean you can use the same system using real fire arms firing blanks? 'Cos that sounds amazingly awesome.


It just hit me Ed I seen that on Top Gear years ago, The British Army killed Clarkson lol


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Look up 3 posts :D

Anyone seen the g&g mit thing?, sounds like it will give a similar feature


Yes but isn't so use full as LACS.

The audio simulation is made by an 1w or 2w audio speaker in LACS, no real GUN detonation ;)


Sorry for english

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Wow - I stand corrected! Some great info in this thread.


It actually looks pretty cool, but I suspect the main barrier to play would be cost and availability in the UK?


Let's face it, we get lots of posts where people have a budget of £40 for a "decent" gun and are then usually very disappointed when faced with reality. I can't see them shelling out for something like this.


That said, I have a bit of a disposable income so if they are easily available in the UK and an airsoft site holds the games then I'd be up for it! I'm sure that if it got more popular then prices would drop and wireless systems would be developed :)

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Now the basic system dose it cost 398 euro with cable but next year probably you can buy at same price the wireless edition and under 200 euro the cabled version.

If you want you can buy from www.lacsgame.com i know that they have other client in Europe.



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Wow - I stand corrected! Some great info in this thread.


It actually looks pretty cool, but I suspect the main barrier to play would be cost and availability in the UK?


Let's face it, we get lots of posts where people have a budget of £40 for a "decent" gun and are then usually very disappointed when faced with reality. I can't see them shelling out for something like this.


That said, I have a bit of a disposable income so if they are easily available in the UK and an airsoft site holds the games then I'd be up for it! I'm sure that if it got more popular then prices would drop and wireless systems would be developed :)


Sorry but, i have already buy the MASADA ACR for 480 euro, and i know more people that have spent much money for ASG tactical accessories. How much did you are " authorized " to spent for a system like this, for a real MilSim?


Clear if the price go down under 200 euro ... wow but otherwise the improvement introduced from this system are really important:

-over 200 meter engace

-extremely safety

-no cheat

-no need manutention (what you spent today you don't spent next tree year)

-totally green because don't use bb if you want


Thinking over ;)


Thanks, i stay tune for your reply :)

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And to be honest at 400 Euro's even if I did buy one, then at that price I suspect it'd be me vs bravo15 on an empty airsoft site :)


If it was more like 200 or there was already a large player base then it's a possibility, but I think 400 is a little too much at the moment!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Call me crazy, why not just play lasertag under milsim rules?


I'm sorry but i'm of the opinion these new laser systems coming into airsoft are BS, i saw G&G's tracer unit thing advertised a while back and couldn't help but think what is the point? Airsoft is about honesty and so far i've never had a major problem. So my gun can't fire bb's 200/300+ meters who cares? Most of the sites i visit would be really boring if airsoft engagements happened at that range anyway.


I'm all for realistic lasertag, but keep it out of airsoft.

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Yeah - I was looking at the Warfighters site. They've been around a long time (I've often tried to convince the boss to do team building there so the girls can't moan about the pain!!) so I was surprised that they limit it to 20 spaces per game.


I reckon it's for exactly the reason you mention - loads of players shooting at 300 meter ranges would make for a very poor experience!

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For proper proper full on Milsim I think it would be utterly, immensely awesome.


But unless there's going to be a big enough market for it, I doubt it'll ever catch on, regardless of how much anyone might like it to.


I also think that adding lasers would make the BB element of it completely redundant, 'cos no BB is ever going to be as accurate as a laser, so even if you're 10 yards from someone, wind can make a BB miss, but the laser wouldn't.


You might as well just play laser tag.

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