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Cracked iPhone 4 Screen

Liam Porter
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Right, I'm trying to sell 4 Reading Festival tickets, and someone's offered me an iPhone 4 (with a cracked screen) for one of them. They're not sold out yet, and are currently going for under £150 on eBay :/.

The tickets were £210 each, so I spent £840 on them. My current phone's a crappy BlackBerry Torch, and I've always said I won't get an iPhone unless something happens to come along to make it worth it.


Anyway, first of all, does this seem like a worthwhile deal? Not really looked at iPhones with cracked screens on eBay much, but there are some at £185 now with a day or two left on them.


If it is worth doing, then I've seen some replacement screens for around £20-£40, but no idea how you'd go about fitting them?

Anyone done before and know if it's easy or not? Guides on YouTube etc. make it look easier than it actually is..


I've also seen screen fixing/replacement services which cost between £70 and £100.



So, opinions on this deal?

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Seems reasonable actually, I'll ask him :P

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If you get the phone with the screen broken and take it to an Apple store, chances are they'll fix it for you for nothing.


iPhone earphones are pretty crap in terms of life expectancy for example, but I use them for the controls on the handsfree part, when they break, I just take them in, say they're dead and they hand me a new set for nothing. Over and over again. Apple have given me over £100 in the form of replacement earphones.


They are pretty epic when it comes to customer service and a lot of people don't realise it, if you read the reviews for the earphones everyone's always going on about how they break really fast and cost £20, they don't even realise you can get them replaced for literally nothing, it's quite hilarious.


But yeah, you could drop your nearest store an email and ask them about it, if they say yes you can bag yourself an iPhone for the sake of a lame festival ticket, seems like a pretty good deal to me (Y)

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Explain please?

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Either you guys have absolutely no sense of humour, or you've just missed a pretty funny pun there.


Nice one mate, gave me a chuckle.

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