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Everything posted by Albiscuit

  1. Kinda off topic but its surprising how quick some social media inquiries get some companies replying.. A mate of mine was waiting for ages for a refund from the council, 4 months untold emails and a single tweet later, it was sorted.. He got an instant tweet back and a call asking him to tweet it was resolved as it was done right there on the phone.. Social media is powerful as many companies dont want the bad publicity!. He tweeted the resolved issues, then a day later a long ass rant slagging them off
  2. Balls.... Was starting to get excited as I have been looking for a night game near me, but am away with work that wknd GRR........
  3. Shame, me and my pals are in Dorking for EAG's skirmish otherwise we would be all over this
  4. I tend to use mine when dead and heading to the spawn or safe zone, DEAD MAN ON TORCH and flashing it upward at junctions lets people know theres no threat coming through and saves me getting blasted close up. But I know the layout quite well and am confident of finding my way. If your new to the site make sure you have one, but you may not need to use it so much during the fight as it DOES give away your locations. Loads of times I have seen a torchlight before hearing people whilst I was sneaking around. Allows me to lay an ambush or to move position. And the 50/50 tracer mix is great, I use it a lot down there, as it does help to see where your shots are going, although I turn the tracer off when in sneaky mode I LOVE the look of spent tracers which have shattered all over the floor...
  5. BILLERICAY!!!!!! I never realised they got THAT far when I noticed they were missing from the basement!!
  6. Beg to differ.... http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-shotguns-and-grenade-launchers/asg-franchi-sas-tactical-12-shotgun.htm#.VV4AG09Viko Have this one, I rarely use it due to preferring my other weapons, but for the occasional game I will use it and it is good fun. Single shot and pump action means yeah your never going to keep up with anyone else's rate of fire, even a pistol is better than this, but it is good fun if you play carefully. But yes, its plastic, its cheap, but it does fire well. I have seen someone using one all day at Epsom Tunnels before and the player done ok once he got in among the enemy team. CQB Ninja suits this gun, but if you do not get the drop on the enemy first, you are hit. And if he has a mate nearby, you are hit.. IT does help your skills using a gun like this. But I would not reccommend for a newb or a first gun.. As per normal forum rules... SAVE UP AND BUY A COMBAT RAIDER
  7. My Bolle glasses were only a tenner.... I have seen eye pro for a hell of a lot more, but these do the job nicely.. I wouldnt bother replacing unless there was a split, chip or such. Besides my forehead seems to take all the face shots I get, its like a frigging magnet!
  8. Ok so ASG ones work in my gun, G&G ones work in yours... Great.. However some guns dont take generic mags, Raiders are an example of this as its known not all M4 generic mags fit a combat Raider... I have one, I also have mags which have A) not fitted and fitted but not fired properly... And as others have said G&G mids are notorious for not working in ALL models of G&G gun, which is bizarre I know, but thats the way it is... I guess we are both right, for different reasons.. And back on topic.... What mags did the OP go for in the end?? or is he still laughing at grown men bickering about lumps of plastic and a spring!!
  9. Its all about confidence, if you look/act/sound like you know what your doing, people will tend to follow and listen. I do this now. Try to grab a few players near me to join in an attack or give some standing around aimlessly a bit of guidance, even if its watching another approach to actually protect my ass its still helping and actually getting others involved rather than scratching their butts!!
  10. Winds me up, used to stay back trying to avoid BBs.. Now if we have an objective and unlimited respawns im all about the attack. Like I mentioned somewhere else there is no Kill Death Ratio, it does not matter how many times you get hit, just win the frigging match!! I was at the Mall on sunday, they had a showcase game for half an hour, suppodsedly in their new site next door but it was not ready GRRRR so we were in C&A. The enemy team on the top level, us on the bottom defending a cone with a light on. Only ONE player came down a level to attempt to see a defender or reach the objective.. Totally pointless. Half an hour with them watching the top of the stairs and escalator and us guarding the bottom... Me and my pal tried rushing up the stairs and escalator once or twice but just got cut down.. A waste of half an hour and £7.50 in honesty... I understand if your old, tired, less able etc. Sitting out on a round or hanging about in the spawn if you need to, but playing the game like team death match trying your hardest to hide and avoid BBs kinda defeats the purpose and the spirit of the game and the hard work the site and marshalls have put in to make the objective type games seem fun.
  11. And ASG Mags DO fit...i have a box of 10 and have used them all So something gone wrong somewhere, either my shitty ASG mags are faulty which makes them WORK (all 10, doubtful) or your Raider works in a slightly different way to mine making them NOT work.... Or you are misinformed. But we are all here to learn!!
  12. I use Mil 1st a lot... Bloody good selection and choice. Decent customer service too.. Nothing I need just now, but thanks for posting!!
  13. In Islington, so North London myself. Havent seen AWA before, will add it to the list and get there over the next few months no doubt!! Welcome!!
  14. Agreed.. My pal has the same el cheapo springer shotty as me and has cut the stock off, I cant use it.. Feels so so wrong. I like the feel of a gun in my shoulder and it makes reloading SOOOOOOOO much easier and quicker I feel..
  15. As mentioned elsewhere. Apparantly all Ex issue, has seen better days but who want shiny new kit??... Nomex overalls SAS style vest with some attachments S10 Gas mask in bag with decontamination kit, Belt and canteen with holster. S10 Balaclava. Also picked up my new team patches Have been thinking about an SAS inspired load out for ages and saw these at the Airsoft Showcase yesterday and saw the Models wearing full SAS kit and thought why not.. Money well spent I feel!!
  16. Bought a Nomex jumpsuit, gas mask and ex issue vest from the Airsoft showcase today for a black SAS Inspired loadout.. also met ex SAS man Rusty Firmin All in all a good day!!
  17. Im almost certain someone on here said the G&G Mid cap M4 mags are not ideal in a Combat Raider... Was just passing on what I have read as I posted a topic on Mags for a Raider when I first got mine as my brothers M4 mags did not fit in MY M4... So your actually right, not all M4 mags fits in all M4s... Well done Sherlock!!
  18. Hmm.. The MP5 might get got I LOOOOOVE my mp5K but really like the look of the MP5s and would not mind a back up weapon to tinker with. The blue can be sprayed and it does say TM part compatible so I am assuming upgrades would not be too difficult. and for 80 quid if I end up breaking it I would not cry as much as if I messed up my MP5K
  19. One or two people are having that problem it seems, was the same with some of my email accounts ... Thanks in advance tho.. Its very appreciated!!
  20. cmon guys.. 177 views. I do hope some of the regulars could take 2 mins to help me out. My organisation is a small local charity and we rely on donations and funding bids like these to be able to provide our services to the young people in our community. It takes a very small time to vote but would mean so much to many if we were successful. Our funding bids very rarely rely on votes so I wont be spamming you all with requests every week, this is a very rare occurance Thanks.
  21. We need a "Buy a Combat Raider M4 starter" Thread or similar......
  22. back to guns now please people
  23. Anyway, which book is Jet taken from? That was basically the gist of it lol
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