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Albiscuit last won the day on April 30 2021

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Mostly SMGs but use Scorpion EVO or TM MP7 the most
  • Loadouts
    Whatever is comfortable, a mix of outdoor wear and random pouches
  • Sites
    Anywhere Near London or SE
  • Gender
  • Location
    North London
  • Interests
    Trainers, Music, Airsoft.

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  1. Dorking sunday :) first outing for a while...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Albiscuit


      Yeah EAG.

      Whats traditional airsoft?

      Been to Dorking quite a few times, and its no less Airsoft than other sites I have been too.

    3. Ewan_Vs_Pigeon


      It may just be from my experience, but the games were so short and pretty much paintball with bb's. I personally think that airsoft should be longer games over a wider area, which happens at the sites I go to (except CQB).

      Im not trying to start an argument or anything but just when I went, the three times I felt like it wasnt anything like my usual sites. Maybe 3 times wasnt long enough to make a judgement. Or maybe the sites improved.

    4. Albiscuit


      Im just not sure what what the difference is between a paintball game and airsoft. Dorking has been no different to me to the other outdoor site I play at. Some of the games can be short depending on what types they pay, others can be a long slog fighting through the forest and villages..

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