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Albiscuit last won the day on April 30 2021

Albiscuit had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Guns
    Mostly SMGs but use Scorpion EVO or TM MP7 the most
  • Loadouts
    Whatever is comfortable, a mix of outdoor wear and random pouches
  • Sites
    Anywhere Near London or SE
  • Gender
  • Location
    North London
  • Interests
    Trainers, Music, Airsoft.

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  1. Saw this... http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/teenage-paintballer-needs-emergency-surgery-after-suffering-serious-liver-injury-during-game/ar-BBsGXXt?li=BBoPRmx&ocid=mailsignout The comment at the end is potentially worrying.. Something else for people to want to ban, never mind hundreds of people kill themselves whilst falling off ladders etc and we dont ban them L(

    1. Lozart


      We don't ban ladders but we do have Health and Safety legislation that tries to ensure people know how to use them safely. If you enter into an "adventure sport" activity without properly protecting yourself then you only have yourself to blame.

    2. Albiscuit


      Oh I know all about H&S Loz..has been the bane of my working life in almost every job I have had. Was just using that as an example. Its one case like this which bring certain people out with petitions and trying to blanket ban things which is never good for our hobby!


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