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JamesAirsofterAgent last won the day on August 14 2016

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  • Guns
    Galaxy g21 - Spring (First)
    G&G CM16 Raider-L
    KJW M9
    Cyma M1A1
    S&T SMLE
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    Bristol Courthouse
    Black Ops Cribs & Port
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  1. So, it turns out my mum didn't realise that (some) airsoft is bright coloured. Found this out at the airsoft stall t the car boot. So now she says in a few weeks we will return and buy 1 airsofg gun and a target (God knows why -_-) to see if I can be trusted. She wants me to buy the Bison 301 due to the guy on the stal letting me have a go ( I was impressed with the accuracy but then I have never shot airsoft other than at a friends house). Anythoughts on the gun? Hit or miss? Thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      If you want a plinking gun,try the UHC revolvers. Cheap and cheerful since they use shells. but if you wish for something you might find handy in the future,double eagle tri shot shotguns are both skirmishable and cheap. Don't expect amazing quality for anything though. You get what you apy for.

    3. AK47frizzle


      Omg, I had a bizon 301 for a few years... anyway, it's actually surprisingly accurate and build quality isn't bad at all. Downside is the fixed hop, best to use .28 or above because it's quite a strong hop.

    4. AK47frizzle


      I recently threw out the mags because it broke (pump handle snapped) but internally it's working fine after years. Better to go with a tri shot though, more fun.

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