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JamesAirsofterAgent last won the day on August 14 2016

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  • Guns
    Galaxy g21 - Spring (First)
    G&G CM16 Raider-L
    KJW M9
    Cyma M1A1
    S&T SMLE
  • Sites
    Bristol Courthouse
    Black Ops Cribs & Port
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  1. So, it turns out my mum didn't realise that (some) airsoft is bright coloured. Found this out at the airsoft stall t the car boot. So now she says in a few weeks we will return and buy 1 airsofg gun and a target (God knows why -_-) to see if I can be trusted. She wants me to buy the Bison 301 due to the guy on the stal letting me have a go ( I was impressed with the accuracy but then I have never shot airsoft other than at a friends house). Anythoughts on the gun? Hit or miss? Thanks.

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    2. AK47frizzle


      That said, might buy a trishot soon at my local shop this week, well, my friens owes me £30 so yeh.

    3. JamesAirsofterAgent


      I wouldnt skirmish it and I won't be going to skirmishes for years. I meant as a back garden plinker, how accurate, reliable etc. Sorry didn't realise you'd think I'd persuaded her about skirmishes. PLus she doesn't want to buy of websites.

    4. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      Trishot is best option IMO. They last long enough(Internally,stocks like to fall off etc.. but again,get what you pay for) Incidentally,what's your budget?


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