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  • Guns
    PJ4 CASV
    CYMA CM.077
    VFC MP7A1
    HK3 Px4
  • Loadouts
    MTP/Coyote Loadout
  • Sites
    Fireball Squadron
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    Destroying the opposing team.

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  1. Can anyone suggest internal upgrades for turning an M4 into an LMG platform? Using the A&K CASV, and im unsure if it's got a high torque motor, or if i need to upgrade my gearset or install a mosfet?

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    2. matas17


      I basically have an LMG inside my ICS CXP ape, i have gate titan mosfet with 13:1 gears and piston short stroked. With m90 spring i get around 310 fps which is ideal for me and i get around 45 rps(rounds per second) on full auto. If you want your gun to shoot quicker you need different gearset, steel tooth piston, and mosfet ofc.

    3. RabidNinja64


      @AshOnSnow My primary field on allows a  max 360fps limit and allows only .2's or .25's, so im building to that specification as my gun already shoots around 330. Real limitations, ROF, etc do not matter here; I just want my m4 to have a drum mag hi-cap with a fast ROF, accuracy and good trigger response, hence why the inclusion of a 13:1, mosfet and 11.1v sound like a reasonable mix, especially since i'm already rocking an M100 and a high-torque motor (supposedly)

      @matas17 You have my attention as Im looking for a similar build. how does the titan perform? ive seen videos and it looks amazing, especially for it's crippling pricetag.

    4. matas17


      i had titan since it released ,basically got it on day 1 directly from GATE. In my opinion its way better then what BTC can offer and more available everywhere. For the price its great, love the features it has on it. And for example if i find that my gun is not functioning i usually just connect it to pc and check the codes via gate titan app to see what could be the issue before taking the gun apart.

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