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Posts posted by SCAR_Jester

  1. any torch is gonna have a pretty big spread at 100m, at least any torch that's usable under 20m will anyway. They're about as bright as you're realistically gonna get for less than 50quid.


    as for why you'd need a torch that shines 100m when your gun will only go 60-70m on a good day I don't know :)

    I guess, first number that came to mind to be honest :)

    Any idea where I can find one in the UK?

  2. I've noticed that in some night or dim lighted games I can't see jack s**t and I'm looking for a flashlight capable of shining bright at long distances, I do understand the theory behind torches more or less I just can't seem to find one that's PROVED good enough and is not £50+ ,

    I'm tight wad lets put it that way, any help in finding one would be greatly appreciated.



    - Corky

  3. So I love the idea of plate carriers over cheat rigs and I'm not going near vests.

    I recently got dorm cheap unbranded Chinese plate carrier (similar to the warrior low profile) and it holds up well in fact, just it come down to my ribs and no more, kinda awkward to put on as well.


    Since companies I've looked at don't advertise their sizes in height I'm stuck. I'm 6' 8" (yes really) and of average build (not fat nor skinny).


    Any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks all

    - Corky

  4. The motor will almost certainly be fine with a 11.1 V lipo, they are usually designed for 12V or a little more. However the trigger contacts will see arcing with a 11.1V lipo and this will degrade them much faster than with the usual 7.4 or 9.6 V nimh. So while with a 7.4V a mosfet is somewhat optional its definitely not optional on an 11.1V lipo. If you don't want to rewire the gearbox and such you could try an inline mosfet like the burst wizard. But really the best way is to wire in a BTC or other mosfet into the trigger and the external part so that the large voltage doesn't run through the trigger contacts. In addition it would be a good idea to switch to deans connectors for 11.1V to reduce the temperature/resistance of the connectors. Tamiya connectors do get hot when dealing with high voltage and current batteries and its possible to melt them on full auto so its usually best to switch to a low resistance connector as well.


    There are a few different ways to reduce the firing time depending on the root cause of the slow speed. Some of the problem could for example just be a long trigger pull and reducing that down with a bit of shimming of the trigger could make a pretty big difference. Then it could also just be the motor struggling to turn the gears and pull the spring, a softer spring and some shimming of the gears could help reduce the issue. You could also move towards a torque motor that will have a moderate ROF but get started really easily. Or you could have a lot of electronic resistance and want to rewire your gun and switch to deans. 11.1V is kind of a hammer approach, it will help reduce the problem but it doesn't focus on the core issue causing the slow ramp of the motor, it just pumps more juice at it to get it moving faster without attacking the reason why its slow, but in the process it puts more strain on everything in the guns electronic system.

    This helps a lot thanks, though many players have given me a tilted head when I say I only run an 8.4v NiMh yet it fires like a 9.6v / 7.4v LiPo. Wind up time is not a massive problem atm.

    So I think a cheap change to deans = easy 10min job, 11.1v LiPo Annnnnd a mosfet... might go for an inline or get a tech to fit it inside.

  5. I think you would actually be looking at getting a mosfet, it acts as an electronic gate between the trigger switch and the motor in the gearbox. This can then allow you to use 11.1 lipos. The bottom line is don't use over a 7.4 without a mosfet. I don't know much about them, so maybe ask someone who knows a lot about them.... but I don't think it's a good idea without a mosfet.

    Oh ok, I guess that would also decrease the response time, as well as being safer. I shall have a think, but thanks anyway.

    If anyone else has info on the motor please let me know!


  6. Hello all,

    I have an ICS CXP-16 L (full metal). I wanted it to fire a bit faster or at least decrease the time the motor spins p so I'm going for an 11.1v LiPo.

    Only problem is I don't know if the motor will handle it? The gears are steell, the piston is metal too so no upgrades are needed internally unless the motor sucks ass.

    It is fitted with an ICS Turbo 3000 Long... does this suck? or am I good to go?



  7. Example,




    I got this for my son who is still a little too small for it but it does the job. Plenty of pouches for magazines and extra ammo. Even has velcro for patches etc. He uses camping mats cut up to fit and act as a ballistic plate. Gives it some rigidity.


    Strong yet cheap.

    Ah right ok, thanks. I have recently given up on plate carriers (within the last hour) way too expensive, a chest rig or chest rig with an admin pouch would do the job.

    To be honest looks aren't of biggest concern but then again I think I'd look damn good in one ;)

    Anyway thanks you've given me some ideas!

  8. Sorry if wrong thread (please point to right one if so)


    So I've been looking at the TMC 6094 plate carrier and without the arguments for and against TMC and other brands where can I get this at?

    Reason for TMC is I'm on a budget and a tight wad.

    I have looked around places but either I can't find good reviews or any reviews

    Can anyone help me find a good website or give me any reviews of some that may sell this item for as cheap as possible :D


    Thanks all!


  9. I have trolled about the net looking for a cheap plate carrier for my loadout (non specific just want one).

    I have found one or two on Ebairsoft and have seen that many customers have had good experiences and were happy with the end product, though they do not accept any returns nor do they ever reply to messages.



    1. Does anyone know where to find any cheap plate carriers (as I do not care a whole lot about having genuine gear)


    2. Are these good/ a good buy:





    Thanks all in advanced

    - Corky

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