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Posts posted by SCAR_Jester

  1. so I'm about to change my gun into a dmr and want a faster trigger response (will be getting a high torque motor)

    I also wanted to use a lipo battery in it, preferably an 11.1v with a mediocre to high discharge rate, not fussed if it's 11.1v


    So, as I'm only going to be using semi and can't spam, do I need a mosfet in the gun?


    If anyone has any good cheap lipo's/mosfets you can link that would also be dandy




  2. Gears need grease (a little - not loads) I'd recommend Abbey LT2 gun grease. Piston will need a little grease on the runners, again either Abbey LT2 or Abbey silicone gun grease.


    I have used 3-in-1 Lithium spray grease with good effect when I put a gearbox back together having forgotten to re-lube the gears. Bit messy but it seems to have done the job.

    So either or should be fine? That's good to know, and thanks for the specific kind.

    I can never find a forum that says "use X thing" instead they say "this is okay, that's not, don't use that and also look for these ingredients..."


    Out of curiosity, what's the difference between the two greases you listed?


    Definitely correct the AoE. It's an easy job and cheap on parts. The sorbo pad will protect your bearbox and getting it right will extend the life of your piston/gears. More worthwhile than a couple of extra inches on your barrel length that's for sure. Be aware that it will drop your FPS by up to 10fps ish so take that into account when choosing your spring.

    Looking at the PDI 170% spring, good reviews, said to be about 400-420 fps so an AoE correction should make it not run hot.


    Not worth the cost/hassle.


    I'd suggest you get the gun, try it and upgrade what actually NEEDS upgrading rather than just what some bloke who says he's an expert on the internet says :) (voice of experience by the way, I've spent so much on things that other people have said would make a huge difference but when it came to it made sod all difference at all)


    It's actually a pretty accurate gun straight out of the box.

    Good to hear, probably just going to do a general clean up, spring upgrade for heavier bb's and "maybe" correct the AoE.


    Thanks for the help by the way, it's good to actually get someone to talk to instead of trolling 50 forums for ages finding out what sort of grease/oil I should use.


    Same problem I'm having! Not only is the G&P one expensive it's also out of stock everywhere and I believe they've actually stopped making them. I know from a couple of real steel shooting websites that a Madbull Gemtech Halo type will work but again, pricey and hard to find!

    Perhaps I might be forced to go for the shorter barrel it would appear, unless I can find some suppressor that fits the barrel's thread.

    It will be hard to find one, the cyma m14 EBR is fairly quiet in the airsoft community.


    If you try to go longer on the barrel you'll need a suppressor to hide it.

    Yeah tha'ts were the problem lies, G&P's mk14 QD one would fit but is pricey and I don't know anything about the barrel thread yet so will have to just wait and see on that one. though I think a ~450mm would be fine and will stay hidden. (looking at the ZCI barrels)


    Errrmmm...maybe. I don't honestly know. Depends where you want to get to. I assume you've had a look at this: http://www.airsoftsniperforum.com/43-longrange-aegs/892-holy-grail-building-your-dmr-aeg.html

    Of course, read it about 4-5 times now... in 2 days.

    After thinking I might just opt for spring upgrade to something cheap but good i.e. madbull m130, with a barrel upgrade, maybe a little longer too.

    Mainly because I don't have a lot of money and some parts are hard to get in the UK cheap

  8. Yes and no. With a spring upgrade then definitely. Mine was chrono'd at 350 with zero hop (dropped about 10fps with the hop on). It's a clone of the TM design so parts are readily available.

    So would a madbull black python v2, with an r-hop + good bucking/nub combo plus a spring change get me where I want to be fairly easily? (not exactly new to internals but not confident)

  9. As the title suggests I'm interested in the Cyma M14 EBR, always loved the body and have always wanted one. I've decided upon the Cyma one purely because its low price gives me more room to upgrade (to start with just essentials, nothing to fiddly)

    The reason I want it is also to make it a DMR when I'm finished with it.


    So, where would the best place to buy one be? - I have looked at tiawangun.com and it appears to be the cheapest on their site, and without shipping fees.


    Any and all help finding one would be great, and any help on parts to upgrade i.e. hop bucking, barrels etc. would also be great.



    - Corky

  10. 200/116 is the height and chest in cms.

    Its the standard sizing format for all British MoD clothing, upper body is height and chest, lower/trousers is waist/seat/leg, again in cms.


    I've got a WAS DCS, its a great quality pc, excellent and does the job, I love it! but I'm only 6'1" and I've had to adjust it pretty much as far as I can, so that the plate sits lower at the front, personal preference really, main reason being it hurts like a mofo getting shot in my "muffin tops"!! lol


    (note to self, more work on abs!)

    Ah I right, then yeah looks like 200/116 should be perfect for me.

    Only other thing is I like to move around a lot, is the osprey mk4 or similar heavy? (Without plates of course)

  11. If you order from Hong Kong you can get an element M600 for much less than that, I wouldn't pay more than £25 for one. A UK seller isn't going to honour a warranty on a piece of cheap clone hear any more than a chinese one.

    Only problem is HobbyKing is the only place with that cheap a price than most HK ebay sellers and HobbyKing does not seem to have a good rep.


    -Edit- Aliexpress has it for £23 free ship, I've used them before. Quite reputable.


    I have an Element M600c and it is good. Just be aware that the tape switches can fail over time but that can happen with any of them. I also have a couple of M300c Night Evolution torches on the way so I'll let you know how they are as and when (they're the shorter single battery version).

    Ok thanks, just wanted to make sure I'm getting my money's worth for £40-50


    Main difference is the tail switch the main thing to bear in mind is that while the CREE LED is important for brightness it's the lens and reflector that determine focus and throw. Any sub £50 torch just isn't going to be made to the sort of spec that it would need to achieve what you're looking for ie - you're after something unachievable at your price point.

    Yeah I get that, tbh I think I'm done looking, m600c seems to get nothing but praise and I haven't heard of the m961 other than a couple YouTube reviews, either way they seem very similar.

  14. It's one of the big southern UK woodland sites, but they have them at their shop- might be on their website, if not phone up- they're very helpful. I used to play there regularly, but still use the shop quite often, they're trustworthy though, that you can be sure of.

    Great stuff, thanks for the help, I'll be sure to have a nosey around whilst in there then :)

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