Here is the email I just recieved guys.
"Hi Alan,
looks like it will have to come back to us to be honest,
I have no way of swapping via a courier as you suggest and i would like
some of your pellets if you can when you send it back to figure out what
has gone on as we know it was perfect when we tested it. My major
concern is that the pellets may have damaged the rubber and sending you
another doesn't really do much to prevent it happening again, if the
rubber is damaged it is a very quick fix anyway but then firing it again
on your pellets gives us more confidence going forward, hopefully that
it is just a one off type problem?
It isn't the easiest solution for both of us, which I appreciate but
feel if we deal with it properly, rather than easily, it is for the
best. Parcel force 48 hr would be adequate I think but most couriers do
not like "firearms" so I would suggest it be sent as a toy.
We will of course sort something out for the trouble if it is a faulty
gun Alan, but to have a faulty mag from marui is rare, to then have a
problem with the hop seems improbable and it does suggest ammo, but I
cannot point a finger until I know for sure of course,
Hope thats ok and we will sort it out the day it gets here for you,
Sorry for all the trouble though,
Don't really know what to think of it, I was using three bb brands in the tests, I had used cyber gun high density 0.20g, madbull match precisions 0.25g, and then some rockets I had left over from a skirmish, then they sent me 1000 excels which still jammed the mag occasionally. All did the hopup problem as stated earlier. It is going to cost me a fortune to send to send back to England, nightmare.