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    King Arms Colt M4A1
    TM Glock 17
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  1. Any Light-Bearing XDM holsters out there?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qlimax


      None in the UK mate I had the same problem. I ended up making my own Kydex light bearing holster and have since done the same for my Glock

    3. SeniorSpaz87


      Too bad you don't know any Americans who are about to come to the UK...

    4. Trojan


      Haha the Spaz saves the day! :)

  2. IMI retention holster. OLight PL-1 Weapon light Froooooglube Bullet-Ants + Sawflys Revision Rx Inserts M-Pact 2x2 + M-Pact 1x1 2S+3S 5000mahs
  3. Where's the cheapest place to get some Oakley Pilots?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Trojan


      nice one. i love my mpact 2s and they fit so well, only reason i bought them were cause my mate was selling his for £15 and them being genuine and all fit excellently. problem being i now want gloves without the padded bit on the finger tips as it annoyingly stops me from handling small things like bbs well.

    3. jcheeseright


      Oakley pilot gloves have extra leather material on the finger tips too, so they won't solve that problem for you.


      Try PIG alpha gloves, they're very thin.

    4. Lozart


      The standard Mpacts don't have padded fingertips. If ultimate dexterity is your aim the PIG Alphas are the way to go just don't expect loads of knuckle protection!

  4. No. Some brands are notoriously bad. eg elite force mags. But with their springs replaced or extended they work normally. I don't know where you can get better springs, but I hear MAG are good.
  5. How much did you pay for the 3300w? and where from? thinking I should get one, heard its a perfect tracer too.
  6. No, what you're thinking of is a Spring pistol. Non-blowback just means the slide doesn't come back after every shot. It is still semi-automatic.
  7. how do i allign the selector gears on my ak Nonetheless, it's fixed now. I had some grease remaining from my gearbox so I had to type less. Thanks for helping though, definitely an admirable comment you have there.
  8. how do i allign the selector gears on my ak, i can only get semi and safe to work, i have somehow disabled fully auto
  9. Thanks for that link. Ferro seem to make real nice kit. For the same price though, I could get the full WAS kits. Which would you rather have? In terms of light and functional load carriers. Reviews on BB King seem to be good, anyone tried these here? - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BBs-polished-6mm-airsoft-bulk-discount-20g-25g-30g-precision-BB-2500-80000-/171777026308?var=&hash=item27feb56904:m:mZWb2ZZHXlZ4R3qtVuPa-dQ
  10. Do you think you could shave drill motor brushes to fit into AEG motors? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Electric-Drill-Motor-15-x-10-x-5mm-Carbon-Brushes-20-Pcs-/290961128182?hash=item43bea27af6:g:GgsAAOSwT5tWF3Q2
  11. You could pick up a used TM pistol for £50-80 depending on how good your haggling skills are.
  12. well... what did you do about it with your m95 on your ak?
  13. I have a 25 RPS setup. Put thousands of rounds into it and the gearbox has no internal wear. No Piston marks or gear marks whatsoever. My old MOSFET quit on me though. What's so bad about AB Mosfets anyway? Could get a fire support systems £10 FET too, but prefer having AB so I don't worry about countering double shooting. Having looked into it, a Jefftron v2 drop in is about £50 with a 2 year warranty. Don't think It gets better at that price. Would love burst fire too
  14. Isn't that only for a year though? Do you have to ship it back to retailer or manufacturer? Seriously though, the gate aab is popular, but there are no installs on it. can only find installs for the SSR and other makes - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=gate+nanoab+install
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