Yeah, I'd like to play as more of a 'lighter' player. As in I wouldn't bundle on layers upon layers, Just simple things. I'll just throw a list out there, Please point out things I'll need
A place to store loaded mags
A leg holster, For a light pistol
A place to drop mags once empty ( I believe the correct term is a Drop Pouch, Correct if wrong)
A place to hold a bottle of water
A V. light Backpack at the most, very slim fitting, So I can make the most of small cover.
Knee pads + Elbow pads, I aim for comfort.
I'll probably still wear camo gear, Just camo trousers, If it's CQB, I might just wear skinny jeans, Flaw me all you like, But they fit nicely and are comfortable w/ Knee pads.
Please god point me in the right direction if I'm wrong, I don't mind bruises Etc, so my arms probably won't be covered, In the winters I might throw on a thermal, But hey, I have no experience out on the field, Any help I get comes greatly revieved.
Side Help: I'm a massive fan of the 'Glock' an iconic pistol, I won't buy one any time soon but If someone could find me one from a reputable maker/dealer, Please do.
Again, Big thanks, Props to all commenters etc, Reece out