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Everything posted by Yawns

  1. That helped an insane amount So if I wanted to attach a dump pouch, that is all I need and will it just attach somewhere? Also can I adjust the straps or w/e, It seems abit too high in that photo, I'd prefer it if it sat much lower Thanks for the help, price would certainly be an important factor for me. -Reece
  2. Yeah, I second both points, on page one you can see I wanted a light setup, making the most of my youth, so to speak. I didn't plan to buy the holster yet either, but again, fabric or solid (plastic?) Other than that, I repeat my previous question about the reflex sight, it'd help alot . Thanks from all the positive feedback. On another forum I tried they shrugged me off as a waste of their time, but right now I truly am grateful to be a part of this community, will buy the patch if I have Velcro space on my future gear. Cheers again, Reece
  3. Nice, I think I will roll with an M4, The overall availability of parts etc is definately a selling point, I feel awful for constantly bumping this thread but hey ho. Aight, So here is a rough round up of everything I should buy to make an entrance to the sport, If you can offer a link to a good website that has a nice, cheap version of what I want, Please do. AEG - G&G M4 CM16 A Dump Pouch A Belt Mounted Pistol Holster [For a future Glock-17 (TM?)] A Molle 'Battle Belt' One mag pouch will be used for carrying water (Good call Longshot) Light clothing, A thermal for winter (Don't need to buy anything . ) Once again I call out for your help, Except links for this kit, I plan to buy a reflex sight (The thin ones, Not like a tube) and a 'protector' so that if a stray bb comes, the glass won't crack, Be it a metal mesh or a second glass shield, I just really don't want to lose quality kit, I was thinking this?
  4. Okay, what about the g&g combat machine range on zero one? Ak or m4, and I'd like to be able to attach a sight in the generic place, any recommendations?
  5. I can't comprehend how helpful you are ;D Yeah, I like the sound of all that, the only reason I like the clock is b/c I'm a counter strike fan, it's just abit of an iconic pistol, also, I have abnormally small palms but rather long fingers, Flock sounds nice for me. I would have to look into TM, their pistols are impressive to say the least. Another question (Sorry, not trying to constantly bump this, its just the more I look into airsoft the more intrigued I become) So I have fancied an ak as a gun for a fair bit now, and I hear CYMA is a reputable and wallet friendly brand, however all the ak's I like the look and price of appear to lack a rail on top the generic rail placement area of the gun, is there a specific way to get a sight on it? One of the guns that caught my eye was this: http://www.taiwangun.com/en/cm-028a-tactical I apologise in advance if it is an abismal website or such, it was the gun/website linked in the noob starter post. If not that an, there still isn't a rail in the g&g combat machine range available on zeroones website. Help? Thanks again, Reece x
  6. Nice, I'd have definately had a fair amount of experience by that time and my birthday will have passed so who knows!
  7. 14 year old newbie here, Will have played a fair few games by the time of the event. Would rent. Not sure if It's for me, I'm not sure If I'd be allowed to go alone xD. Of course it sounds like a no brainer (That I shouldn't go) But I have an itching that it'd be a blast. I have no gun yet, an Zero One has a large 'shop' there, So I'd be tempted to go to try out or possibly look into purchasing a gun. I'd personally like to try it, Whether I bring a relative along or just slide with you lot, I don't know. Would It be a good idea? fill me in xD -Reece
  8. Yeah, I'd like to play as more of a 'lighter' player. As in I wouldn't bundle on layers upon layers, Just simple things. I'll just throw a list out there, Please point out things I'll need A place to store loaded mags A leg holster, For a light pistol A place to drop mags once empty ( I believe the correct term is a Drop Pouch, Correct if wrong) A place to hold a bottle of water A V. light Backpack at the most, very slim fitting, So I can make the most of small cover. Knee pads + Elbow pads, I aim for comfort. I'll probably still wear camo gear, Just camo trousers, If it's CQB, I might just wear skinny jeans, Flaw me all you like, But they fit nicely and are comfortable w/ Knee pads. Please god point me in the right direction if I'm wrong, I don't mind bruises Etc, so my arms probably won't be covered, In the winters I might throw on a thermal, But hey, I have no experience out on the field, Any help I get comes greatly revieved. Side Help: I'm a massive fan of the 'Glock' an iconic pistol, I won't buy one any time soon but If someone could find me one from a reputable maker/dealer, Please do. Again, Big thanks, Props to all commenters etc, Reece out
  9. I'll have to look at it, I'll stay in contact via PMS, but I'd want to have a basic knowledge of the sport before I go on excursions to matches,maybe abit further north, that's towards the west of London, I'm more north then west
  10. Haha, I live in the East-Anglia area, I plan to play at Special Ops HQ near MK, sounds alright, I'm just hunting for footage of some games at the place and emailing the site to find out the age demographic and the amount of people who show up etc. Gatwick is about a 2 hour drive, so I might be able to hop into some more distant games with y'all when I can get my head aabove water with airsoft
  11. Yeah, I plan so play a solid 5-10 games before buying. Doesn't stop me from browsing though. Thanks again, you've been a massive help and I can't wait to become and active member of this community, will update when I purchase a gun etc ( not near future) Cheers -Reece
  12. Yeah, all helped a lot, special thanks long shot. Cheers for the explanation Lastly, yeah, what is a reputable site from which I can look into quality AEGs, price irrelevant
  13. Cheers. So basically, If I bring my Dad along for 3 games, He could literally just buy me a gun. Even if I say which one and I stand right by his shoulder when he buys it. Then recieve it the second it comes in the post. It's all above-board and legal? And If I just wanted a two-tone he wouldn't even have to come to the games? Props to both of you for replying + Helping out. Again, Massive thanks + Best Wishes, Reece. Edit: Just a quickie, Most UK stores that have vouches around here only sell serious, Metal construction, Non-2-tone guns, And sites that do cheap starter guns that I could look into? (Just like £70 tops for a durable, Decent AEG)
  14. Heyyy, So I first saw airsoft after FreddieW used the guns in his special effects videos, I thought 'Huh, That's pretty cool, how did they get to use real guns?' So after some intrigue-fueled google searches I found out they were airsoft guns, And that people actually used them in a sport. after many months, I've decided I want to chase up this hobby/sport. And I have, Hence me being here now. I'm Reece, I'm 14. I am aware of UKARA / VCRA but I'm interested in knowing how it effects me as a player. In other threads, I have seen people talk about people my age using JBBG 2-tones, But IIRC, 2-tones are still for 18+ only. Can anyone fill me in and provide a good website for cheap beginner 2-tone AEGs (Provided they are legal O.o) and also inform me if I am correct regarding me possessing my own Airsoft gun W/O a UKARA + Being under 18. Other than that I can probably rent from my local site, so hey. Thanks & Best regards, Reece.
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