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Everything posted by Undieing_Lust

  1. I would give it a miss mate. Been playing since vanilla and the game is not as good as what it was years ago...And I stoped playing in Cata. Just my opinion tho, cant hurt to give it a punt.
  2. I am sooooooooo Down for this!
  3. Yeah! Antec CPU Cooler! I had one of those!
  4. Glad that your rig is up and runing Zak. But damn dude...Cable management, Could you not try to curl them up and zip tie them out of the way towards the bottom of the case? For reading temp you can use software like: CPU - Core Temp, CPU-Z and also Speecy which is a complete system scaner for temps GPU - MSI Afterburner, ASUS GPU Tweak, EVGA Precision X Also you will need to stress test your system if you overclock CPU - Prime 95 GPU - Heaven, MSI Kombuster Fan Speed: For controling your fan speed you have 3 options Software: I like to use speedfan becuse it gives you the most control over your fans. how fast they are running and lets you set profiles that ramp up with your temps. Only downside is that you will need to see if it supported by your mobo. Speedfan also requires that your fans are pluged in via 3-4pin headers on your mobo. Bios: It will offer you the ability to control via Voltage and PWM. Voltage is the power that goes to the fan. Higher voltage, higher RPM. Lower voltage, lower RPM, If its to high you will do damage, to low and they wont spin. PWM sends pulses to the fans to make them spin, for the most part it depends on the fan header. 3pin is best done via voltage, 4pin PWM ( Some times PWN can be flaky and not want to work right.) The second problem with controling fans via the BIOS is that is usally only works with the CPU fan and main system fan (Depending how many headers you have on your MOBO) Fan Controller: You power it via Molex and allows you to control every fan in your system. (Best to leave you CPU Fan be controled via BIOS) Hope this helps.
  5. AMD have their own version of XMP called AMP (AMD Memory Profile.) But its still called XMP in BIOS. And yes you are right if it doesnt work Zak can easily OC. simply change the speed to 1600 and also set the voltage and CAS timings manually.
  6. Airsoft-Ed just sumed up my thoughts on woodland games. "Woodland also invariably involves a lot of "Hmm... That guy's just out of range" moments, where opposing forces are just slinging 80 tons of plastic through the air at each other, just out of range, but there's no cover between you or them in order for anyone to close the distance." I much prefer CQB fields but there are not that many in NI...
  7. I was going to jump in before he got his parts as I would change a few pieces of it but unfortunately I was extremly busy with course work...But I would like to clear up the crazy amount of miss information in this thread to do with his PSU. People who are saying he needs a higher wattage PSU do not know what they are talking about. 500watts is MORE than enough for what he has and also provides plenty of room for overclocking. there is a reason PSU's come with 80+ Bronze,sliver,gold, platinum and titanium rating. It certifies products that have more than 80% energy efficiency at 20%, 50% and 100% of rated load ( with platinum and titanium it is more like 90%) to get the best out of your power supply you must have it use most of its available amount of wattage it is able to deliver to the components for peak levels of efficiency other wise you are wasting power and negating the benefits you get from having a more effient PSU. Also if your PSU blew up its most likely becuse it was crap. only buy powersupplys from good brands and dont cheap out on them, becuse if it goes most likely everything else is gone to. Brands like Seasonic, Corsair (OEM by Seasonic) OCZ, ,XFX (Again OEM by Seasonic) Antec, Silverstone etc. Just becuse you have a higher wattage PSU doesnt mean it is better. Most high quality PSU's the fans dont even spin untill a certain wattage threshold is reached. or may not even have a fan at all. And welcome to the PC gaming Master Race Zak. May your tempatures be low and your overclocks forever stable. (Edit) If you want to test it Zak you can use your Mobo Box as a test bench. just make sure its not on the carpet or something like that and ground yourself by touching something metal, Like a powersupply connect to the wall. just means you can test things with out having to take it out of the case which is a pain in the ass at times if it doesnt work. (Double Edit) I forgot the say this. Am not sure if you know but I will mention it anyway. just make sure you enable the XMP Profile on your Mobo so your RAM will run at 1600Mhz. On page 36 of your manual it tells you how to do it. If you are stuck just do some googleing on enableing XMP on your motherboard.
  8. Brillinat mate! Thanks for all your help! Looks like am goona grab myself an SMP!
  9. Sorry for long wait on the replay guys been at collage all day. Thanks for all the help so far from you guys. but I still have a few more questions. I dont mind doing a little maintenance I know I would have to do that much. What maintenance is required? luebing O-Rings and such or is it more indepth? As there is still little info out as it is still relatively new. What Regulator,Control Line and HPA Bottle would you recomend? I would prefer a Coiled line if possible and I hear that the Redline Regulators are very good. How do you fill the Tank with air and managing the PSI? (Edit) Will upload photos later tonight.
  10. It say he has it set to not receive PM's from me
  11. Cheers mate! (Edit) Am not able to send him a PM...
  12. Hey Airsofters! Just back to airsoft again after a long break. (I know shame on me ) just before I get into my question, mods feel free to move if I have put this into the wrong sub-forum as I was not really sure were to put this. I am thinking about getting a Wolverine SMP as I want a reliable airsoft gun with out having to do the maintenance of a standard AEG platform that comes with it. As I am fed up with having to shim gears,grease gears,replace striped pistons and the like. So I have a few questions to those who have either a Polar* set up or a Wolverine SMP or are just more knowledgeable in general. At the moment I am leaning towards the SMP. I am going to put this into an ICS M4 for the moment but later on I am going to build a different rig around it. So my questions are Will the split gearbox design interfere with the SMP from the research I have done it doesn't look like it will. As ICS doesn't use a standard Hop-Up Chamber/Nozzle is that going to cause a problem with the SMP? I am going to ask Wolverine directly to see what they say. General information on running a HPA set up as I will new to this. What I need to go along with the system like Tanks,Hose,Regulators and such I hear that the Redline stuff is very good. -Tim
  13. G&G Combat Machine. Best starter gun you can get IMHO
  14. Welcome to the sport! Dont worry we are a bunch of friendly guys and gals. Talk to people, they will point you in the right direction.
  15. I check the trigger spring and the smaller spring and both worked fine...I think am just going to have to wait untill the new parts arrive and test again....
  16. Both. but that is only with battery and motor in. with out those the trigger pull is smooth...
  17. I have tryed the coke can chrono and the results are always WAY off...
  18. Ok I think I will see about moving from shims from the top of the bevel gear to the bottom and also when the next grip/baseplate arrives make sure the wires are not in the way. Any Idea why the trigger locks up?
  19. No I spined them before I closed up the gearbox and there was no grinding and they spined freely. (edit) By closed up I mean back into the receiver. I screwed down the gearbox and they spined freely
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