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team flex

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Everything posted by team flex

  1. ^^what do you use then? I don't skirmish (as of now, will do in a few weeks when school is over) and are the bbs good quality/ cheap?
  2. yeah. The only point I can see of using this is with a target and a catcher behind it.
  3. this could be complete bs but a friend told me green gas is more powerful, more common so more people stock it, easier parts to get, and overall better in that respect. Don't take my word for it though.
  4. can't really justify the price though imo.
  5. I use it for ccf. Night time, it is good, but it is a bummer to get off and tbh not really worth it for airsoft.
  6. jesus, so much paperwork for zerooneairsoft. I guess it is good for the community however. Just ordered my battery and charger as well from component shop. Any thoughts on their postage times?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TacMaster


      Without proper defence, yes

    3. team flex

      team flex

      yawns, it isnt


    4. team flex

      team flex

      i mean, not transparent

  7. ok thanks, will maybe be using excells from now on. TBH, my mate was using cybergun Sh*tty ones so zero one have to be better
  8. ok thanks, normally use my mates gun with zero one, as they are very good. Suprised they weren't in stock, but they are very good quality.
  9. I have my gun coming on monday/tuesday and obviously ordered some bbs. The ones i was going to order (zero one bbs) were out of stock so I came across excel bbs. They are quite expensive, and has anyone had any experiences or know about the quality of these? Thanks Link: http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=264&products_id=4861
  10. Is it true that the CM16 Carbine light has a higher fps? On zero one airsoft it says so, however I'm not sure if it is true?

    1. DEDSEC


      Shoots about 345 to 360.

    2. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      They all share identical gearboxes. FPS variations are all about G&G's quality control so expect differences. Most fire around 350 in the UK.

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Every model will vary a bit. One may hit 350 & another 339. Problem is if you go over 350 = too hot or you go to another site that is 328 urban - so sometimes slightly less is better than hot. FPS can vary quite a bit due to hop-up and crap BB's

  11. yeah I am going to go to the mall at some point will tell you what I think of it when I do some people have done videos on youtube of it though, you can check them out.
  12. I thought so. Thanks for the answer, that ebay link, will that go on my cm16?
  13. Question: If you buy a commercial magpul will it still be not allowed into england. Also, would I need a tube for my cm16 carbine? IF i was to buy the magpul fake or legit? By the way, LWA and Proairsoftsupplies do real magpuls, however they are bloody expensive (£70 expensive for a $50 stock )
  14. well the gun is apparently good according to lord metile. There is however, a starter pack for £120 that offers charger as well and a battery I believe, maybe even some bbs. You should probably get that
  15. thats interesting... Is there a place in the UK where you can buy a magpul stock?
  16. ordered my G&G cm16, thinking of getting a lonex flash mag for it. found this: http://www.air-lab.co.uk/products/magazines/lonex-flash-magazine-m4.html are they worth it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lozart


      For sure, I would only ever suggest Lonex if you want a flash mag. As a concept they have some plus points but they're not the be all and end all. Horses for courses really.

    3. SimonQuigley


      Dont want to sound stupid, but wat exactly are flash mags?

    4. Lozart


      They're hi cap magazines but instead of a thumbwheel to wind them they have a pull cord.

  17. my friend ordered some smokes, as when I get my gun we are doing a war with a few mates. When I logged in however i got this message They haven't been delivered yet as far as I know, and were ordered over the weekend so he wasn't expecting them anytime soon. What does this mean?
  18. will this work? http://www.componentshop.co.uk/accucel-6-digital-charger.html
  19. yeah, the problem is money. I will probably go for a 2600mah lipo, but what would be the cheapest charger for the battery that is good?
  20. tight for money atm. In a months time I will get a better battery and charger, and then start upgrading the gun. Maybe a magpul stock or a eotech
  21. ok thanks for your help. Will be buying this combo when this bugger sells http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/191193859371?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 reckon it will go for £90+ (hoping lol) 22 watchers atm
  22. The time would approx be 2 hours charge? Wouldn't go straight into skirmish, would save some more and then get a better battery or 2
  23. Ok thanks, good to know. The charger would work with the battery as well?
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