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team flex

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team flex last won the day on November 7 2014

team flex had the most liked content!

1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&G CM16 Carbine,
    TM M4A1
    HFC G17,
  • Loadouts
    standard issue kit
  • Sites
    UW limpsfield

    THE MALL - soon
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    airsoft, cycling, shooting

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  1. everyone should buy one of these, the price is about right as well

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SimonQuigley
    3. Airsoft-Ed


      I'd rather have a minigun for the same price, which actually has a functional purpose.


      That is just a gun mount.

    4. team flex

      team flex

      yeah true, in one of the AI mags they had one, that looked pretty beast and could be controlled by a remote control 2 miles max away or something, had box mag w/ gun and also could shoot pyros and grenades, sadly not for sale

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