I have very recently joined this fine forum and after my intitial hellos have been asked to put some examples of the work that I do on here.
A very brief history of myself may come in useful I suppose,
Raised in Sourh Africa I came into contact with firearms at a very early age. My father carried an old 1911, mum a .22 unique and I eventually owned and carried a 9mm S&W.
One of my fathers closest friends was a man called Chris Reeve. He was an exceptional knife maker and can now be found on the web working in Idaho under the same name.
I used to work for him making knives and through him I learnt my tradecraft, business values and work ethics.
Chris is a perfectionist and he has gone on to being one of the worlds best and most respected cutlers in the world and I am very proud to be associated with him.
Suffice it to say that I fell into gun smithing through the military and found that I have a natural aptitude to most things firearms related.
My father is an avid pistol shooter even at the ripe old age of 78. He was asked by the owner of the shop where he gets his supplies if he could make a set if grips for a Samurai Edge. Dad happily agreed but before he could do them he was diagnosed with cancer. He lost the will to do any kind if woodwork but knowing what I do he asked me if I would have a look.
I had already done a 1911 for him as a gift and I readily agreed.
I contacted the owner of the Samurai Edge and was given free reign with sorting the pistol out for him.
I received the pistol and it was in a very sorry state. The barrel was loose, the mag was shot, the inners were worn, the seals were on their last legs and cosmetically it looked pretty rough.
I set to work restoring this pistol both internally and externally. The photos attached are the end result.
The owner was over the moon with the work that was done to it and suggested that I get onto some of the forums. The aim here is for some feedback from you guys and girls not only as shooters but also as airsoft weapon enthusiasts.
I would love to hear your comments and suggestions.
I hope to build a reputation as a "go to" for all things airsoft.
Many thanks
The Gunsmith.
For some reason I can't upload the "before" photos. Apparently they are to big!! If anybody has any suggestions or wants the before shots to stick on here on my behalf that would be fantastic.
Sussed it.