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    The Mall Reading
    CQB Swindon R.I.P
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  1. I hear that, will check it out went on UK tactical a few weeks back. If i want mil-spec will just get it my cousin's. Want the MTP osprey plate carrier once I get into things only just started out so keeping it simple with the rig/set up from flecktarn. Are you into milsim then?
  2. Any one know what camouflage the Russians use?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. baz-1988


      Got some crazy idea of a sniper loadout ruski style or could be rebel as I want the SVD!

    3. JamesAirsofterAgent


      You should see the russian snow camp, during ww2... Wow they were great. Not a big fan of the red army though....

    4. JamesAirsofterAgent
  3. I may have worded it wrong apologies, I had to look more into it as I have been at her majesty's pleasure. I signed a firearms act when released,but it has no effect now as my sentence was under the threshold of 4 years. If I had served 4 or more years any firearm would be out of the question even fireworks or party poppers. So to answer your reply it was a ball ache for me.
  4. How many places left? Just emailed for a PDF because I don't use facebook
  5. Black or tan boots for MTP load out that is the question.....

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. baz-1988


      Cherers bro

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Think I'll probably be getting YSP Falcons after seeing this. They're only around £25 second hand.

    4. Airsoft_Mr B
  6. I'm jumping through hoops right now to get my UKARA..... Was planning to get it last year got two games under belt then broke my foot messed it up quite bad, so now I'm back on track to get. I know thart all the effort to gain my UKARA will be worth it, yet I'm not a dangerous lunatic planning armed robberies on my local book makers! So to end my rant that piece that was first posted would fool most people!
  7. Spot on brother! I'm new to the scene and I have been looking at this for over a week. I have been looking at flecktarn.co.uk, I'm after the tan version was going to add the admin pouch,2x frag, utility, 2x 4 mag's and hydration on the back. It's versatile like you said and can switch out for what ever you want will be looking at MP5 and M4 when I get my UKARA. So will be easy enough to swap about,will give the site you mentioned a look at. Delivery looks to be there downfall though.
  8. Just got back from my cousins and managed tocome back with brande new MTP smock and combats, tactical gloves tan(used) dessert boots, utility pouch tan and water botle and pouch tan buzzing just saved myself at least a quick oner :)

  9. Hi all name is Baz, Been lurking around a few of the sites and found this one seems to be the best one for information. Im 25 currently resides in Reading, booking a Saturday at The Mall for end of the month, will carry on at this site until i get my UKARA and able to purchase a decent weapon. Im going for a MTP load out but tan rig and pouches. Currently waiting fir my cousin to send me standard issue MTP smock , combats and boots so im lucky i don't have to pay for them can spend some dough on a decent rig. I have been looking at going cheap for under a oner. So been looking at some bits from flecktarn.co.uk. Tan Bulle MOLLE Recon Chest Harness This will be the base for what i want, adding 2x triple MP5 pouches, admin pouch(for velcro British patch tan),utility pouch and a dump bag off my belt for spent magazines. Once i have my UKARA i will invest in a MP5 with folding stock and for grip. Looking at this to start me on my way- http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268_318_489&products_id=6982 Any advice on scopes was thinking reflex? How easy to fit with what rails? Thanks for reading looking forward to some feedback Baz
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