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Everything posted by SuicidalBarrelRoll

  1. Voila http://www.khmountain.com/airsoft/product_info.php?currency=GBP&cPath=37_21&products_id=2592
  2. It apparently uses a modified realsteel mould and a similar polymer,and is fully compatible with PPQ real accessories. Also there is full auto functionality.
  3. Minigun pistol. Don't care how, just get it done.
  4. Finished ep. 3 about 5 mins ago And concurrently watching Season 5. ..
  5. I have to bang the drum again for the Seven-Barreled Nock Volley Gun: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRQ0cyL4qO-kJw0R4HJv1dZO0kPBsYEM0xvaMMBuSq8Db3gHq8uPvXu9y9w Another thing that'd be an absolute laugh(particularly in CQB) would be the duckfoot pistol, again courtesy of Mr. Henry Nock of London : https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQFko1l3_SdWjGbZGoFvmbkbq2esKcqX6670eEigJMHrc5eBbEGRGBjeQNE Then, in no way being a CoDsofter,I actually like the idea of a ballistic knife; I know that they're not practical but hey
  6. Something that launches timed gas grenades. GLM, RPG, whatever.
  7. That's absolutely disgustingI threw up a little
  8. There's an entire subsection already, just a call to fill it.
  9. A 1911 based platform for shooting larger rifle cartridges.
  10. This was more of a rally call for proper use,documentation and application of the section.
  11. This and the Thor would be an insane look ;p
  12. A custom gun includes but is not limited to:Full built from scratch. Custom body kits. Custom gimmicks. A custom gun is not: A gun personalised with aftermarket parts. These are great as we all know, but not custom guns.
  13. You know what section of the forum should be used more? The Custom Guns Section. Nuff said Make some custom stuff
  14. Don't you be hatin on my fine bæ JLO Mk.2
  15. Can we (all) just ask for a quick summary on why you hate non realistic guns?
  16. Some would disagree, but I actually dig the sten.
  17. Also is a great thing to know in a "CALL YOUR F***ING HITTTTT!!!!!!" bloodbath haha
  18. I'm a judo man meself really helps spacial awareness and just being efficient without being conservative...I would recommend martial arts *cough judo* to anyone regardless of whether it helps airsoft.
  19. PE staff trained by an nationally renowned expert on weight training quoted to us his take on "growth stunting":"To stunt the growth of a child with weights is a simple task. You start with a child of two or three,and start training them...you increase them to lift many times their body weight...yeah,you could stunt their growth." Bear in mind that this is the guy who is called upon in court and for autopsies when somebody dies of a weight training related accident. Lift all you like brah.
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