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Everything posted by SuicidalBarrelRoll

  1. Naturally...in all seriousness it would be hilarious having a bald cap and tattoo XD
  2. Anddd in future, a second will be added, a suit will be bought and then 47 will have muy bant
  3. A decision has been made. KJW M1911A1, with Pachmayar grips. Slide and frame stripped bare (trades not engraved), polished and laser etched with insane Agency trades. Suppressor adapter and JBU 120mm supressor. Barrel extension...or silencer with foam..?
  4. Yeah, thanks Ed but it looks too shiny, cheers thoughEDIT: actually scrap that, thanks! Looks really good
  5. I'm happy with Pachmayars and a polished 1911a1, is there a clean no trade KJW slide?
  6. Slight digression, how would one go about re finishing a CM04 xyz wood? Sand back then...?
  7. Game, would the trade removal and laser re-etching do the trick? Could I sand back a KJW and polish?
  8. Would a pre-cooking MOSFET make an ebb aeg fire from an open bolt? :0
  9. Cheers about the finish,that woulda been a disaster. That hardballer wouldn't work unfortunately, it's a longslide;a painted TM seems to be the way
  10. So, having played a lot of Hitman recently, j'aime bien les Silverballers. As such, I want to do a replica (/pair) of the legendary guns. Using a TM 1911 Government Model should be a start. However, the blacked and trded gun will not be enough to satisfy me. Pachmayar grips can be bought, fine. But what gets me is trades and painting. Will a Halfords Stainless Steel paint do the job well enough to look the part nicely? And as for the trades-how to remove engravings? I was considering filling them in with 'liquid metal' or JB Weld or something then sanding flush, before laser engraving the sweet sweet Agency trades. Can anyone tell me about Halfords Stainless Steel paint, or any better way of removing engraved trades?
  11. When I get my CM045a, I'm gonna cable tie some torch to it... Ah the ratty ak
  12. I need an optic that doesn't look out of place on a classic wood furniture AK, possibly something square?
  13. For an optic yeah :/ if I had the money i would but...
  14. I have decided: as soon as possible, I shall buy a CM045A-an Aks74u(?). I shall probably eventually need an optic that looks the part, and I love the Kobra. Any Chinese clones that are cheap? Can't find any. Cheers
  15. Why not wear full on Ukranian underpants? 'Cause Chernobylfallout
  16. Apparently the CM045a is good too, I plan on acquiring one for a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. loadout
  17. Has anyone ever actually come across a mildly muffled to deadly silent gun? If so please share how it was done, particularly interested in,but not limited to,gbb pistols and rifles.
  18. Ah, that's a bummer its a folding stock, I assume that's a receiver change
  19. Depends on the buffer tube threading, I would assume it'd be fine
  20. Seeing as cyma got good above 045,I went for the EBB 049
  21. No worries man, I chose the cyma mp5 sd6 anyway!
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