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Everything posted by SuicidalBarrelRoll

  1. Russe that sounds awesome that would be really cool. I would actually really like to play a a Horde survival kind of game, with say a group of survivors in a simple concrete building on a small hill. The building would be 3 storeys: ground floor would be 10 riflemen,max ROF 20RPS,max ammo capacity 10000 rounds each ,second floor 4 support gunners,ammo unlimited,ROF unrestricted, third floor 6 snipers/DMs, 3000 rounds each. Against them run 100,who are allowed only single-action weapons (non sniper) without sights of any kind,with unlimited ammo and respawn. Every 5 minutes the attackers receive 5 points,these are used to buy special players.A horde Overlord makes the decisions Abilities can be combined, and vanish after death. Costs for classes would be: Semi:a single player can use their semi-automatic weapon for a single life (cost 1) Full: a player can use their fully-automatic weapon for a single life (cost 3) Heavyweight:a player can sustain three hits before dying (cost 3) Precision artist:a player can take a single shot with a sniper rifle (cost 5) Smoker:buys a smoke flare (cost 10) Praetorian: Allows use of a riot shield for a single life (cost 10) Grenadier:buys a grenade,if player dies in possession, he must not use it. The grenade would be a bb shower grenade, a bb must hit the defender to kill (cost 30) Tank:can withstand 5 seconds of solid hits/ref's discretion (cost 45) The list could go on. It could be played as survival for a set period,or as a challenge to beat a site record. Slightly unrealistic but I'd give anything to play that.
  2. What it says. List the features,quirks and scenarios of your dreams. Have a ball.
  3. Thanks, it's just we already have 4 so...they've lasted for years and years
  4. Is this model suitable for use as a comm unit?
  5. A sci-fi backpack mounted hi rof laser beam beast with an in built tracer unit to shoot luminous lines of death.
  6. Not as retro,but I've recently been playing Fire Emblem.
  7. I'm pretty sure there's an AEG one in prototype, on Airsoftology's channel EDIT: Hmmm it's a GAT but it's literally identical.
  8. Got lathe access Thanks anyway ill look into it
  9. Sorry can't embed the image for some reason, im thinking of Niko's dreqm airsoft gun
  10. But what,then, had happened here? Explain pls
  11. Well...I've seen it before so perhaps a different answer...?
  12. How about a semi-auto Polar Bear 2? They're massive but the airsoft ones are unfortunately OP and hand cooking. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.khmountain.com%2Fnew%2Fairsoft%2FPB106B.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.khmountain.com%2Fairsoft%2Fproduct_info.php%3Fproducts_id%3D1113&h=374&w=600&tbnid=BSw8X_ubQQCC6M%3A&zoom=1&docid=d0WcGpfpmjPnhM&ei=uUN-U4rrKqKS7AampIHABA&tbm=isch&client=ms-android-samsung&ved=0CDkQMygDMAM&iact=rc&uact=3&page=1&start=0&ndsp=16
  13. Are there any ways of attaching just a suppressor barrel extension to ann m4 barrel delta ring?Or,even better, just straight onto the receiver? Going for the stubby, suppressed look,seen it before. Many thanks
  14. Say that I built it with those parts well...skirmishable?
  15. List the most economic 50 quid to slend on the JG Bar 10. Go.
  16. Pump action Saiga...Anything for looks I guess
  17. TM hop,KWA receiver plus fusion engine we're not toooooo far off
  18. More multi-barreled weapons. *cough* Nock Gun *cough*
  19. Either: Cross two guns Or: Forward a 'great idea' for a new gun entirely Go.
  20. In fact, I'm up for loads of multi-barreled weapons...
  21. I'll be sure to have a crack at it. Durability in respect for a CQB build?
  22. I am down with teching.This ok for a standard field gun?
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