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  1. Ordered a gearworks/macaron from the site recently for the MP5 and while it was working great the nub wasn't playing nice [because MP5 hop units are a pain in the ass] and I ended up cutting it to fit on the gameday and it ended up all pissed (was on the bench outside before playing so it wasn't the best job 😅), is there a slightly less wide nub you'd reccomend or would it be a good idea to just order a fresh gearworks/XT nub and actually cut it straight? Cheers

    1. ak2m4


      How wide is the hop chamber slot for the nub?  Omega nubs are only 4mm wide so not much to play with, any smaller and it might affect how the thing actually works.  I don't think cutting nubs is a good way to reduce the size also, your better off sanding down I think with some fine grit paper, taking a little off each side very slowly.  

      If you do you order another one up I'll drop in a spare factory 2nd one I have so you can practise your sanding 🙂

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