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ak2m4 last won the day on June 30

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  1. Ordered a gearworks/macaron from the site recently for the MP5 and while it was working great the nub wasn't playing nice [because MP5 hop units are a pain in the ass] and I ended up cutting it to fit on the gameday and it ended up all pissed (was on the bench outside before playing so it wasn't the best job 😅), is there a slightly less wide nub you'd reccomend or would it be a good idea to just order a fresh gearworks/XT nub and actually cut it straight? Cheers

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pyromancer6


      Planning on doing a order of a few bits for delving inside one of the pews because a jam's knackered the airseal stuff inside so I'll let you know - heart of gold you've got by the way haha, appreciate it

    3. pyromancer6


      Just recieved my order today, probably should've clarified it was about this post rather than putting a random message about a stanley knife haha, appreciate it bud 😅

    4. ak2m4


      AHH ok lol.  I get lots of orders from guys on the forum but they use their real names so never really know who anyone is.  Internet animosity just as it should be 😄

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