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Everything posted by JackHG

  1. I don't trust it just because of how much stuff they give with it, but I have 0 experience with Ics guns so don't listen to me
  2. From what I've heard and seen Cyma ak's are great quality for the price and built like a tank. However I don't own one personally so you might wana ask about. (Also I've heard that Taiwangun are really good for them due to price or something)
  3. Red two tone is better than the toxic green that mine are
  4. Anyone recommend some CQB sites in the Birmingham area?
  5. Brought a set of Atacs fg camo ubacs and trousers
  6. Thanks for the advice and guidance guys
  7. Ninja lpr and he said 'tanks start at £40' however I have just looked at beesting and they have some good deals on so I might go with them instead
  8. Right u are it will total up to about £460 for all the kit according to the conversation I had with them last month
  9. Yeah that's it, know anything about them?
  10. Can't think of the name right now but a Facebook based importer who has offered to supply all the kit and fit it for about £420
  11. thanks for the replies guys and if u are thinking that it's stupid money for me to spend I have earnt it all myself through my job so it's not a case of "spoilt kid with mommies credit card and no grasp of money"
  12. More like £450 and yes as in 18 next year and with my defence it will turn into a RIF HPA set up
  13. If my maths is correct buying a SMP with the line reg and tank will work out cheaper than the tippmann and line reg and tank so do you think that's a better idea (also the cm is already upgrade with a 6.03 and promy hop up
  14. I was looking at the tippmanns but I heard people were having some big issues with theirs to do with the hop up (I heard this at there time of release. Also I have already a G&G r8-l combat machine and a G&G gen 3 m4 and was hoping that the cm with a SMP or P* would result in a good light weight set up. What do u think?
  15. Legally I can if I was gifted it by a adult right?
  16. So I've been stuck in a crisis for about a month now where I've been unable to decide if buying a HPA rig such as a SMP or P* is actually a good idea. The main reason for wanting one is because of the trigger response without the constant maintenance and low mag capacity which effects gas rifles but I'm unsure if HPA is widely accepted in fields across the country plus if site would be happy for me, 17 yr old male, to use one due to the worry of me getting angry or frustrated and turning the fps is to dangerous levels as I assume they are more likely to trust a older more experience player. Please help me decide and maybe share some of your experiences with HPA. thanks
  17. I borrowed my mates sten gun (asg I think) and all day I had people asking me about it. But the top of my list is either any realsword of a kris vector
  18. My mate got a full set of multicam black kit and I agree it looks amazing and really makes you stand out but I would say that until it becomes more widely produced stay away just because of how high the prices are (however if moneys not an issue I would definitely look into it)
  19. I'd say holo sight would look best
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