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Everything posted by CON

  1. Noticed a lot of polls, so to add to it.
  2. When in october are you 20?
  3. Impersinating a police officer is a offense, but, if your on private proportey and its just part of roleplay or filming etc its perfectly fine It says metropolitan police normally but u can get pics of google , just search uk police badge, or something like tha ?..yes I know, my spelling is boss
  4. Yeah man aegs arnt really that clean important, maybe just the barrel every once in a while, its gas guns you need to clean because of all the , moving parts.
  5. Hmm , does it havebti be molle ? I have a really good recon bag, its like a tardis, small light comfortable but fits quite a bit, itnhas molle oj the outside , but u wear it like a normal backpack
  6. Ok so ive vaugley seen a story on a new law or something that is happenihg in scotland to do with stupud fps limits n stuff. Does anyone know the facts and whats your opinions? Pearsonally Im concerned, as I said in a nother post , airsoft is growing witch means more spotlight on us from government. And im guessing it will have a big impact on the scott youtubers like epic and scoutte.
  7. nice new blackhawk belt arrived today

  8. Nice , maybe change it so the pistol grip face forward rather that sideways, then you could fit more that 1 gun . Nice and swanky looking tho
  9. This saturday, the lads that run c3 tactical are running a pistol training course , mitcheldean in Gloucester, fro 10am till 4pm. £25 quid. Inbox me for details or if your intrested. If this post is a breach of a forum rule, sorry, just message and ill remove.
  10. Yes thats what annoys me, its probably jealousy, but they havent and dont understand the pain, sweat and tears of getting your ukara and battling through the budget guns, and cheap clunky kit.
  11. If im honest , I havent been airsofting long enough to make this statement, so , do you guys think airsoft is growing in popularity? It just seems a lot of people have started doing it and the communitys seem to be growing, I think maybe a lot of this is because all of these x youtube gamers have started airsofting so turning their communitys from gaming to airsoft, plus all the other publicity. Whats your guys opinions, and do you think its a good or bad thing?
  12. Yeah 20 quid rental here, or maybe 25 not too sure, but u get a a bag of bbs, guns are gng cm16 or g36, pearsonally I think ukara is fine because it makes it
  13. Wrap it, or you can buy clips for specifc batterys. Or you could do a bit of diy, jam a spacer in and have a spare storage compartment.
  14. new condor holster arrived

  15. just got payed, money in, money out, more goodies to come haha

    1. Dutch


      I feel your pain mate. ;)


  16. I use either bolle tracker or some smiths optiics, low profile, very expensive straight from manafacture or shops, but u can pick em up cheap on ebay n amazon, superb quality, no fogging, low profile and qualit materials. However i reccoment just building a collection, so you have that choice. As for cheap mesh, or anh brandless taccy goggles, stay away from them, not worth the risk.
  17. Theres a difference between controlled activity and then vigirous strength building, hes only 13 I think so really hshould be doing core building and light strength stacking. The best option is to do half back pt. Thats what I do for 3 peaks training. And like I said, start low and work up high, When I say damage , it will be from breaking too hard, I.e start training with high weights and long distance (like you said about bench press). You need to start of low and work up to condition your body, especially if your not used to vigirous exercise on a regular basis. Witch applies to anyone at any age really. And also it depends on how serious you wanna take your training, if its just a little light training just for airsoft, just run every other day with a bag, and increase distance and weight of bag overtime.
  18. Teo your quite young so u wannabe Carefull, best thing to do, once every other day, sit ups-pressups-squats -2 mile jog maybe witn a weighted bag no more than 10k. And you can build up from there. If you go in too hard Your probably do some damage and can get underdeveloped muscles n stuff.
  19. Ok basicly ive got a bit of spare cash, I dont like spending lots on guns etc, torn between getting the g&g gc16 (full metal raider L), or the Echo 1 sr25. I know the gng are always good quality for money however leaning twords echo 1 er25 however not many youtube reviews for it. Please feel free to share any experience with these guns . Perticually the er25.
  20. Ok , im after a full metal revolver, at least 6 inch, preferably chrome but not too fussy, and one that is not shooting at 400 or something stupid ( skirmishable)
  21. Basicly I got a well warrior l96, took it to a skirm and was shooting bad, took it home, stripped it for a clean. Noticed the hop arm was smashed into pieces, so took the shards out, cleaned etc. Now it has no hop arm, but shoots very well.....seems to anyway. Will it cause any damage to rifle if i shoot without a hop arm. And yes, I have got a metal hop arm on order
  22. Im sure if you played with it and configured it may be usefull. But to be honest, the best thingnto do in milsim is to have a radioman per section. And a map on paper of the site or area your playing in, im not a big fan of carrying fragile, breakable, expensive electronic equipment about my persons whilst im playing...I.e,phone. Howver again, im sure if you configured it right , it would be very good.
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