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Profile Information

  • Guns
    ASG Sten Mk2
    E&L AK74S
    Well Pro AK12
    CYMA M16A1
    ASG Ingram Mac 10
    JG G36K
    AA Steyr AUG
  • Loadouts
    All a bit 'Ukrainian' at the mo!
  • Sites
    All Arms Airsoft, Rishton, Lancashire
  • Gender
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  1. Rediscovering the joy of a Saturday spent running in the woods, getting wet and muddy and shooting people!

    1. GAMBLE


      Hi @Earbymarts! 👋

      Ah, Great times! 🔫🤪👍


  2. Since October I've bought so much its hard to know where to start!! However my 3 latest purchases have been an ASG Sten MkII, a box of 5 KA MP40 mags and a WW2 vintage Sten Gun sling. The lot for about £160! Love the Sten. Won't be my primary, that's my G36's but it's a lovely, well made piece of kit all the same. Best of all the mags fit without any fettling required for them to fit and fire... I can go into action with the better part of 600 rounds of ammo if I choose to use it.
  3. An Ares G36 EBB Rifle.... to go along with all the other guns I've bought!
  4. Having finally got my UKARA I've got myself 2 guns.. an ASG Ingram MAC10 for CQB fun and a Full Stock Franchi SAS 12 3-burst shotgun for something a bit alternative in the woods... Hopefully the G36 H&K rifle will be following hard on their tail!
  5. Just bought a pair of low-cap G36 mags from flea-bay for my first proper rifle....
  6. Just took delivery of a couple of CYMA AK parts: a black tactical hand grip and a replacement top handguard with integrated RIS.
  7. Well various well-known on-line shopping sites have been having a field day with me.... I have recently bought.... Czech Army winter Parker - olive green and probably too nice (not to mention very warm) to go rolling about in the winter mud in! Complete set, meaning Trousers, Shirt, Parker and MICH helmet cover, canteen and gloves in Flecktarn and the same in Olive Green... all of these being military surplus goods and for the most part very cheap all things considered.... 2 pairs Viper goggles various hats and any number of bits and bobs! I guess I'm just a 'kit junkie' but apart from that, I also like the idea of having different loadouts that I can change and swap about as I please and I can also dress for all weathers - winter airsofting appeals to me. All that said, I do like the flecktarn the most... trust the German's to do the best stuff again!
  8. Well where do I begin..? I've bought a British Army surplus DPM jacket and trousers... knee pads... goggles... mesh lower face mask.... and shed loads more to come I fear!!!
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