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Everything posted by Karljohnmason

  1. Aye that's what I'm afraid off. More money to spend.
  2. How do guys. I've recently got a echo 1 AR57, a Marmite gun I know lol. It has a feeding problem with the one mag I have for it. Its a high cap p90 mag Anyone have any ideas on what I can do to make it fit/feed better? I have no idea the make on the mag :/ I'll get a photo up later on today
  3. has anyone had any experience with these stocks what i need to know is if a rewired lipo will fit in it, but i cant find any info on if they'll fit. http://www.evike.com/products/41999/
  4. Alpha One this sunday :D Im bringing some newbies to learn why Aiirsoft is better than paint ball :)

    1. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Good luck! If poss could you post some pics or will they be on the Alpha one website?

    2. Karljohnmason


      Cheers, Im sure they'll love it :)

      As for photos of Alpha One, they do have a website, but also a Facebook.

      Heres the link to the FB page with all the photos :)


  5. They guy I deal with has swaped the conector for me Its a mini now, but got my first lipo Dont get to field it till sept 14th though
  6. Its a deans connector. Defiantly not a mini. Thats all I've used/come across so far
  7. Aye pretty much. Its a fire proof bag incase something goes wrong during charging. Team flex, its rear wired. The conectors are for lipo batteries
  8. Cheers guys Im gonna bite the bullet, or BB as it where, and buy one for my new gun. Long and short, I didnt realise it was wired for lipo when I got it. To excited to notice till I got home. I was gonna get it rewired and I thought why the hell not try lipo's out. As for spelling Team Flex I rely entirely on spell checker
  9. Cheers guys good sound advice. Been reading up, and asking around. What im hearing is treat them with respect, and charge them in a charging bag. I've also heard not to fully run them down?
  10. cheers fella Though all I can see in that link is airsoft time bomb lol Not filling me with confidence lol
  11. Need some advice on lipo batteries. Basically everything I need to know, bearing in mind all I've heard is they can go up in flames
  12. Gotta say I do love my chest rig, but the advice makes sense Better get my ass on the rowing machine
  13. those BOLLE goggle look pretty sweet cheers for the tips, gonna try a few out this sunday. I do normally wear a boonie hat, but I had to ditch it for fancy dress at the last alpha one. Still have the same problem, just no where near as bad. I've tried a couple of anti fog things but its more a rain out problem. I prefer having my face fairly free, goggles lower face mask/shemag i can put up when breaching rooms. guess a hat is the way till i can panel beat my body back in to shape
  14. well its more that after awhile sweat is pissing down my goggles is their a way to stop this, i,e un-sweat my goggles
  15. Right I wouldn't say I was completely out of shape. Not the healthiest person that's true. My problem is that during a full day of skirmishing I start to sweat a lot. It can cause a problem with my goggles. not so much steaming up, as much sweat raining down across them. any tips? is there anything i can do bar cutting my hair? for the record my hair isnt that long lol
  16. I recently lost the only mag for my Jieke P02. Would the cyma 27rd or 100rd magazine for g18c be a suitable replacement?
  17. Alpha One Charity Event in 16 days :D

    1. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Need to book soon, I should be there :)

    2. Karljohnmason


      I'm booked and ready to go :)

  18. true we'll have to see what happens black friday has been and gone, and I might get lucky. The internet is a big place lol
  19. Im tempted £250 was a good price, but still alot
  20. Alpha One in six days :D

    1. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Can't make it this month unfortunately but I'll be coming down in June :)

    2. Karljohnmason


      I definitely plan on going to the next one as well :)

  21. £250 is alot still lol I could get a whole new gun for that
  22. Cheers guys Think I need to amp up my research, and save a shit load lol
  23. I was thinking just for giggles If I was gonna invest I'd look at the higher end ones, but recently every event I've been to I've fallen on my ass. It needs to be shared with the world lol Had a unfortunate accident at Wentworth recently where I speared my gun in to the ground like a javlin
  24. I really want a pulse rifle

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Karljohnmason


      That'a a fair point. The laser rifle off terminator 2 would be killer too :)

    3. Lozart
    4. CES_williamson


      What ever we got you want! sorry had english lit gcse today still in that mode...

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