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Everything posted by Karljohnmason

  1. what do people think of an action shot camera as a cheap alt to go pro? They have them for £20 at toys are us http://actionshotcam.com/shop/action-shot-sd/
  2. I was only curious. I've met a few air softer's recently with no sense of humor who have insisted you have to be dressed as something or dont bother. So Merc it is
  3. Cheers guys I was curious if I'd inadvertently dressed as something I normally say my loadouts are contractor and scruffier contractor lol The gun is a m4 with olive drab hand guard, stock and pistol grip. The hand guard is from CYMA. I got it off ebay and the gits make you buy all the parts individually :/ The chest rig is as is lol To move the pouches I'd have to unstich them :/
  4. What load out am I? I have no idea lol
  5. I'm wanting to buy the pulse rifle from them, geeky I know. Has anyone had any trouble with them?
  6. aye that looks like the gear box from my sr
  7. aye :/ gonna cost me $80 to replace. wont soon forget that
  8. long story, but its wrecked :/ I rather foolishly decided to see if I could fix the problem, but made it worse
  9. I need a new gear box for my gfc sr25 any idea where I should look? Cheers
  10. When is to many guns, too many guns?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. two_zero


      By that definition, I've got too many guns.. hum. by my definition as well.

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      When you add another 'o' on

    4. Karljohnmason


      lmao :) love it lordanem :)

  11. To buy or not to buy

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Karljohnmason


      That was my thinking, lol

      I do have a mp5k, but it needs sorting

    3. AK47frizzle


      king arms and g&g recently announced that they'd make a VSS vintorez and an AS VAL. Both good russian weapons and not very common on the field.

    4. TacMaster


      How would you know that they aren't common, they haven't been released yet lol

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