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  • Guns
    Magpul Masada PTS upgraded.
    JG BAR 10 G-Spec upgraded.
    G&G Firehawk upgraded.
    MP5k Sniper Sidearm
  • Loadouts
    MTP Assault loadout.
    Mixed Sniper loadout.
  • Sites
    Centurion Airsoft
  • Gender
  • Location
    North Yorkshire
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  1. I contacted G&G and they just told me to send it back to my supplier.
  2. I was hugely disappointed with my FH out of the box, its just a Combat Machine and not this fantastic high speed wondergun I was led to believe. Fucking marketing ploy and it worked, I will be sticking to Magpul; they are expensive but they are built properly. I'll keep the FH for CQB but I might replace the braking fet for a non-braking because the motor is either gonna snuff it or worse; blow up in my hand.
  3. I have 13:1 in mine but its still not as rapid as my Masada, both are fetted(?) but I wish I didn't put the active braking in the Firehawk, the motor gets hot as buggery.
  4. In my experience a longer barrel increases FPS enough to notice and a shorter barrel reduces the FPS quite noticeably especially with the bolters. I'm wanting to hit 450 and I'll squeeze as much as I can before I start fiddling with the innards.
  5. I'm turning it into a DMR and I want the little extra FPS i'll gain, there is no other reason than that as she's already hitting 345-350 spot on consistently. It would be pointless me buying another barrel the same length or shorter.
  6. Evening folks, I'm replacing my Masadas inner barrel for a slightly longer one to fit to the end of my silencer, it needs to be about 52cm but no longer a tightbore at a reasonable price. Can anybody point me in the right direction please. Cheers in advance.
  7. Yeah I noticed it was a little shakey and the lights crap in here, its much faster compared to the original vid, I'll see how it goes this sunday.
  8. Well, she now has the 13:1 gears and active braking mosfet in and shimmed properly, wired to deans, and after a lot of pissing about I'm finally happy with her. The sound of the vid sounds nothing like the gun, the gearbox is quiet and the pop from the soundhog is nice,crisp and loud. Hmm also stuck a sniper style M4 grip on there too, all I'm waiting for is the stubby stock which I hope is here soon as I won't get the buffer tube back on without desoldering the mosfet and I doubt I'd be able to cram all that crap in the crane stock. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNMFbkQPc30
  9. I have about 6 pairs of prescription glasses so I aren't in dire need of anymore, just the inserts, but If I'm gonna get a free pair out if it then why not get some cheapies
  10. I have the Tracker II with the inserts, I just want to have a rough idea how much they are gonna cost to cut as I can't make it in to town until monday.
  11. Has anyone had any prescription inserts cut for the Bolle Tracker II or any inserts at all? I was wondering how much Specsavers charge for the lenses being cut. Apologies if this has been mentioned a dozen times before.
  12. I was thinking the same thing Ian so I canceled the high-speed motor for now, my gears arrived this morning, but I aren't gonna start shimming it until I have the mosfet (Airfet - active braking) installed.. I hope its here tomorrow so I can get started. I'll stick to the standard motor and see what happens, its a noisy motor but then again its a noisy gun with the Sound Hog.
  13. 13:1 gears and braking mosfet ordered and also considering the G&P m120 high speed motor, has anyone used them? or got any pref on a better motor for the job?
  14. I'm afraid thats not an option as I've opened it to reshim, the spur gear was grinding slightly on the gearbox. Now I'm not sure which to buy first.. 13:1 gears or a new high speed motor as this just has the standard G&G motor in. I'm tempted to go for the gears first, what do you think?
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