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Status Replies posted by evilfree

  1. Anyone know if the standard waterprrof case that comes with the GoPro 3+ is good enough to withstand a BB shot?

    1. evilfree


      mine has been hit at close range and its all good


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  2. So its dawned in me, that my short-sightedness is actually degrading my airsoft play quite a bit, can anyone recomend any eyeprotection that will fit over my glasses and doesnt fogg up

    1. evilfree


      Look at prescription safety glasses if you can afford 100 pound or so

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  3. Anyone playing The Fort in Fife on the 2nd November? I'll be back for my first game in over 2 months!

  4. Anyone had experience with GoPro's and paintball? Me and my brother share one so just want to double check I won't get it broken when I go on saturday. Cheers Guys/Gals

    1. evilfree


      yeah same, ive had multiple beebs hit my gopro3 case and its been fine.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. "US sends troops to west Africa to help fight Ebola". I'm now pretty sure that the US has no idea what Ebola is...

  6. Finally finished editing another video to go up this weekend. I'm pretty sure that EvilFree is in this one at some point

  7. So my day is going to consist of sitting next to the door waiting for the post man. Great.

    1. evilfree


      Haha im doing that tomorrow. got my KWA M93R arriving

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. Anyone knows how reliable any M93R is? Looking for something different

  9. Tax man decided to give me money back, looks like I am getting a TM M870 this weekend \o/

    1. evilfree


      Once the weather gets a bit more sh*t I will be going to the fortress. Will be using it at POW this weekend!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. The Fortress was great yesterday! First time I've played REAL CQB and bloody loved it!

    1. evilfree


      Nice, thinking of going when the weather gets worse at winter


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Finally get to play at the new CQB site 'The Fortress'. shame its the last weekend before I go to uni :/

  12. Finally get to play at the new CQB site 'The Fortress'. shame its the last weekend before I go to uni :/

  13. Definetley getting an MP5

    1. evilfree


      I just recently got one, great for days where I cant be arsed lugging my ak about.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Wow,prices for airsoft In Ukraine are not half bad. CYMA CM003 G36C costs the same as 160 euro,which is 20 cheaper than an older G608 JG. If only Irish customs weren;t such dicks when it came to airsoft :/

  15. Well the order UPS lost 8 months ago just turned up!

    1. evilfree


      Was only a fast helmet, so got another one now, but yeah very strange!


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. My mate's thinking about grabbing a G&G M14. Good choice?

    1. evilfree


      Haha ive got a Cyma M14 and christ these things are long!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. Just had my 1st proper accident since starting cycling. Car pulled out of a junction and hit me in the side. I have a tiny graze on my wrist but my handlebars are toast.

  18. Airsoft World's new indoor skirmish site "The Fortress" is absolutely amazing! My MP5K definitely works best indoors

    1. evilfree


      Yeah i need to pop along once it opens, any idea when the first public day is?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. 5 days after leaving the sorting office in LA, I got another update on the tracking for my SMLE. It's in the UK, awaiting customs clearance, Yay! I have decided it will be called Matilda, to go with my Aussie loadout :D

    1. evilfree


      Much better than shoot n scoots offering.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  20. 5 days after leaving the sorting office in LA, I got another update on the tracking for my SMLE. It's in the UK, awaiting customs clearance, Yay! I have decided it will be called Matilda, to go with my Aussie loadout :D

    1. evilfree


      oh that is a very good price, how much was postage?

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  21. 5 days after leaving the sorting office in LA, I got another update on the tracking for my SMLE. It's in the UK, awaiting customs clearance, Yay! I have decided it will be called Matilda, to go with my Aussie loadout :D

  22. Does anyone know where to buy magazine springs? My sten mag spring has died and I can switch it out easily, but cant find a spring!

    1. evilfree


      Oh that might work, will need to give it a try.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  23. Does anyone know where to buy magazine springs? My sten mag spring has died and I can switch it out easily, but cant find a spring!

    1. evilfree


      Will try to find a spring the same length and size.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  24. Does anyone know where to buy magazine springs? My sten mag spring has died and I can switch it out easily, but cant find a spring!

    1. evilfree


      Second mag its happened to, the spring has twisted down at the bend, thus no more spring. I actually opened the last mag and glued in a plate and halfed the capacity. However you can just knock a pin out and take the end off and replace the full spring.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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