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Esoterick last won the day on January 10 2016

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  1. Damn it's easy to underestimate the cost of an AEG once you factor in mags, battery/charger and a sling.

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    2. CES_williamson


      ah nice i was going to buy the 416 but i went out of stock as i went to buy it and so i went for the m4 but still a recoil, you will love it btw and a piece of advice get a battery adapter the tm socom batterys suck and hardly work in the cold


    3. Esoterick


      Just have a quick look is it the baton adapter you use? I've had a look and they only seem available via Eagle6 who are sold out, it looks like you can rewire it but that seems a bit scary(although it allows for larger batteries to be used). I was going for the TM version over the VFC so I could just leave it alone and not get horribly over my head messing about with stuff lol.

    4. CES_williamson


      yeah i use that one okay well i think aw has them in stock?


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