Hmm dunno what to think about the new FO4 info...doesn't seem Fallout-y enough. Reminds me more of rage? Hope it doesn't detract too far from the lore, anyone else know what I mean?
the largely unconfirmed multiplayer element is the only thing that concerns me in terms of atmosphere. Will quickly seem less apocalyptic if theres thousands of people running around meta-gaming the shite out of same maps.
I think the only way multiplayer would be suitable is if it had a system like SWTOR did for dialogue where you basically roll against each other as to who's choice wins. That said it's kinda unecessary and would work better as a sideline doing missions for various factions IMO
I've always wanted it to be multiplayer before, but after playing Elder Scrolls online I hope its not. a Co-op drop in and out feature would possibly be good though.