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Baz JJ

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Everything posted by Baz JJ

  1. My latest acquisition, a CZ75D Compact 9mm with tactical light and red dot laser aimer.
  2. I bought a laser and tactical flashlight combo from Hong Kong as I was in no hurry and it was a good price. Got a card through the door today from the post office saying they want £12 if I ever want to see it again. Thats about £4 tax and £8 handling charge. I should have just bought it in the UK.
  3. I have had a little play. Seems to use your integral GPS and your phone connectivity to communicate your position to your team mates. Obviously needs phone coverage, but not necessarily GPS as you can manually enter your position. Probably not much good in your average skirmish, but could be useful in a large milsim as it could enable a squad leader to see the position of the various fire teaams. It also provides silent non verbal communication so gives a stealth element - you can message your team mates either in free text or using templates. I believe you can also upload a map of your site to reduce dependence on downloading google derived mapping as you move - useful if you have a weak signal. You need to enter a security code word so only your team can share the info. The Lite version is free to use and there is an ad free version for £3. Im on there at the moment if you want to try it - radio channel 1 codeword AFUK
  4. Does anybody use this app on their iPhone? Seem to be an app that allows you to keep track of teamates during an Airsoft game and send them messages.
  5. Ive just succumbed to a Czech CZ75 Compact !

    1. evilfree


      If i hadnt bought a shotgun I would have bought one of these also. Great backup weapon!

    2. Baz JJ

      Baz JJ

      yes I like handguns as they take up so little room.

  6. Ive just spent an evening going round Epping Forest with a GPS and NVG setting a geocache hunt for some teenage scouts - fun - came across deer

  7. Just taken delivery of Umarex HK USP 0.45 with suppressor

  8. I have a thing about emails and response times. Email is a staunch part of modern businesses these days. People will readily answer a phone and take your money. If they cant be bothered to sit and write a reply to a sensible email, then it usually means they have the wrong kind of staff, they have too much business already, don't have time to attend to you or they are very disorganised. None of these things are good for the aspiring consumer. In Airsoft, many of those behind shops and sites are relatively young so they don't have the excuse of not being up on modern technology. Thats just my thoughts on the subject, but I like email as you get written transcripts of both sides of the conversation. Its easy to get it wrong with phone calls. Ive found that shoddy companies will answer the phone and tell you anything. The measure of them is how often they will return a voicemail message that you leave. There is a fine line between hobbyists and business people. The trick is spotting the ones that differentiate.
  9. Ive always found Zero One, Action Hobbies, Pro Airsoft and even Swindon Airsoft to be responsive.
  10. Doesn't help you if their service is going to be a problem ? Change tactics ? Look at other peoples gun where you play ? Study all the You Tube reviews ? Ive bought all but one of my weapons at distance and no regrets. Its nice to see them and handle them first, just not always practical. If you decide to buy at distance, my advice is to look at as many opinions as possible on your chosen model (peoples opinions, including those of shops, vary widely, so the bigger sample you take, the better) and chose a decent retailer to buy from. Remember its not just about the price and the quality of their website. Will they respond in a timely manner and will they be efficient and responsive if things go wrong ?
  11. In my experience of business, if I had emailed them three times in a month and they never replied, I would move on to another company. In terms of Airsoft, I normally get a reply from the retailers I do business with, within a day or two. Usually, if things seem too good to be true, they usually are.
  12. Was chatting to a guy from SIG yesterday and looking at their AR15ish assault rifles. Interested to learn they have a 4-way gas valve to control the gas blowback, He was adjusting it with twocatridges

    1. Baz JJ

      Baz JJ

      thats two cartridges. Just to show it can be done in the field

  13. yes well I have it on my UMP mainly for seeing round corners in CQB type applications. I don't use it in conjunction with magnifiers or electronic sighting. Snipers have been using periscopes for years.
  14. Yes absolutely. One of my airsoft mates was laughing and suggesting that I was blind firing around a corner at the last game. In reality, I was firing round a corner and directing through a gap in the wooden barrier using tracer like white BBs. All is fair in love and war. As I think I said somewhere else on the forum, I only engage if I think I have a chance of winning lol
  15. Outline of AF-UK members theme day shaping up. See THEME DAY topic for more details

  16. yes okay. Its finding a site that would be prepared to do something different rather than the same menu every weekend

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Baz JJ

      Baz JJ

      Ive started a new topic about theme days

    3. Ian_Gere


      good - i'll get to it eventually :

    4. Ian_Gere


      ) <- damn it won't let me add just the smile i miss typed :lol:

  17. Ive ordered a Viper belt and some other bits and pieces for my knife frog so i can wear it at my hip.
  18. No just got one off Ebay. Search under lens protector. It goes on the rail, comes with a clear and tinted shield. £13.50 plus postage.
  19. Do you know what the proper name of the "rear webbing sling D ring" is on that rifle you've bought, please ? Id quite like the idea of being able to clip on one of those on my HK416 but cannot find one for sale on the internet ? Im assume you can buy them as an afterpart accessory? I suspect I am searching using the wrong keywords ! Oh and not to be off topic, Ive just bought a G&G UMP45 PS I have an EoTech 556 replica and I found the casing allen screw had been done up so tight at manufacture, I ended up stripping it. It wasn't the end of the world - just stopped me fitting the rubberised internal cover with the protective flaps. I used s RIS mounted see through shield ahead of it anyway.
  20. Halo ? I thought that was a parachute jump - lol
  21. More importantly, do you like it? You have to carry it around all day. Most modern assault rifles look similar from a distance and Im usually too busy trying not to get shot to notice the detail on other peoples guns. Personally, not my choice, but then what do people base their personal choice on ? I tend to choose the Airsoft gun that matches the real firearm I would use for a similar objective. I assume you have already heard this but others may be interested in this review
  22. May the blessed air saints preserve me, Ive just ordered an M203 grenade launcher for my rifle. Im so sorry, sobs into his camos.
  23. Baz JJ

    HK416 Vs Colt M4

    Ive just acquired a 416 - I love H&K engineering.
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