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Airsoft x uk

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    HFC VSR 11, G&G CM RK47 ( modified) , G5 MP5K, kimber warrior 008 gbb
  • Loadouts
    British DPM , woodland, militia rebel (terrorist based theme)
  • Sites
    AWA Herts, Airsoft 101 , The bunker 51
  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere in the world
  • Interests
    Women guns money and cars

Airsoft x uk's Achievements

  1. I know it's ridiculous but you never know when
  2. New kimber warrior 1911 GBB pistol for my b day!

  3. Finally got round to changing my hop up rubber for my ak

    1. Dan_W


      Can you make a vid or something, I have no idea how to do anything with the hop set in AK's


    2. Airsoft x uk

      Airsoft x uk

      I would if I knew how mate but unfortunately I didn't personally do it I took to proairsoft supplies where they did it, as I'm fairly new to ak's I'm not use to the hop up rubber chamber yet, I tend to be better at bolt action rifles and some gas pistols but I'm sure you can find a vid on the Internet but personally I'd take it down to ur local airsoft dealer where the pros can do it for u also they'll make sure it works after installing it. If u do take it apart b...

  4. The 20mm rail I drilled into the hand guard myself which was easy enough but I haven't moulded anything on. I wanted a grip but also a bi-pod , I couldn't make my mind up so I got both the silencer makes the rattle when firing on full auto quieter and more of low pitched thud instead of the thwacking of metal on metal which personally I think sounds better, apart from new bush bearings and a custom fit tight bore barrel instead of the old standard barrel everything else is stock.
  5. Hitting AWA herts 2moro

    1. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      is it a good site? Thinking of making my way down there after exams

    2. Airsoft x uk

      Airsoft x uk

      Yh not a bad place for large outdoor spaces with long range guns, great fun!

    3. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      Sounds good, may pop down as my local sight is only on once a month (damn those scouts eith their knowledge of knot-tying :D)

  6. Anyone know if the cm16 (combat machine 16 carbine ) is any good please? Just any reviews or thoughts about its range and power would be helpful, thanks

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. sp00n


      i have the CM 16 raider L, epic gun. zero one have a g&g sale on atm ;)

    3. sp00n


      p.s. i use zero ones 8.4v 2200mah battery, snug fit but it fits ;)

    4. Airsoft x uk

      Airsoft x uk

      Cheers , I might check tht out

  7. Looking forward to my next skirmish down at AWA herts

  8. Meh... Gas guns do have there good and bad points , never run out of battery but only work best in certain weather, often in the past when I've used them they leaked but performance wise weren't bad, they fire first time but personally I would stick with an aeg (but that's my personal opinion ) overall there good guns and a joy to shoot especially the m4's and SA80 and L85 series but those are the only gbb guns I've tried
  9. New mock silencer, hope it looks okay , sorry my camera isn't great either
  10. G&G Top tech ak47 , a silencer to make it look tactical and a two high caps
  11. Recently got a silencer for my custom ak :)

    1. Dan_W


      Post a pic to our gun porn section (aslong as it isn't two tone) - http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/3820-gun-picture-thread/page-68

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