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Mr Grizzly

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  • Guns
    SA58 SPR FN2000 AK5C MP9A3 FN 5-7 SIG 226
  • Loadouts
    airsoft chic
  • Sites
    Combat Action Games
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  1. The problem is that she most probably looks better in your kit than you do, or have you been playing Sqaddy and POW!
  2. Well it is still work in progress, a couple of things to do, there will be a liberal usage of OD sniper tape and the eventual paint job will be dulled down once it's been out in the field a few times and been knocked about a bit. Of course if I wanted to give it a cool paint job WW1 Royal Navy battleship anti dazzle pattern.
  3. Well here's a picture of the rifles and the stand alone grenade launcher project, but I don't have a picture of the pistols.
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