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AirsoftTed last won the day on March 3 2022

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&P M4
    TM MWS M4
    G&G M14
    TM G17 with guarder kit
    CA 249 Para with RIS
  • Loadouts
    USMC Force Recon 'inspired'
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  1. What Milsim providers are there beside Warzone, tier 1 and Sterling? They're the kind of thing I'm after but I'd rather something woodland instead of FIBUA sites everyone seems to be using

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Russe11


      Gunman does a range of 'filmsim' games. These include vietnam, WW2, Cold war and modern. I have done a couple of the WW2 ones and they have been excellent fun. I wouldn't really compare them to milsim, but definitely a step up from an open day.


    3. BBrotherwood


      Okto 8 is very much a social event with two 8 hour games in between. I would not recommended it as a hard core Milsim but I would still recommend going as it is something different and on the whole the players are great.

    4. clumpyedge


      Airbounre typically only play one day as a Milsim event followed by a skirmish the following day but that isnt always the case sometimes it just the one day.

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