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adam bussey

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adam bussey last won the day on November 3 2012

adam bussey had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    SRC G36KV
  • Loadouts
    British DPM assault kit including viper and webtex webbing.
    urban tan and black PMC kit.
  • Sites
    freefire zone and urban assault
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    airsoft, model trains, writing D&D and reading

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  1. what a waste of my time http://plug.dj/cosplay-radio/ no one has turn up!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      anime and japanese music. Its called cosplay radio because i had to call it something.

    3. Tariq


      Very misleading title. Get a more universal name and you will be better off. Japanese music like J-pop or just film/anime stuff

    4. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      anything goes mostly like tonight we have nightcore on and it is general chat night

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