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Status Replies posted by geoffreym

  1. seriously considering doing a Foreign Legion loadout, problem is the gun, none of the FAMI take my fancy, was considering using an M249 as I think I saw a photo of them using it?

  2. Just prepped my guns for tomorrow and notice that zero one .36s have expanded good thing i have some geoffs

    1. geoffreym


      love having a precision brand named after me lol

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. anyone else find that their hop-up adjust their FPS by a massive amount? found that without hop my gun fires 1.05joules, with hop 0.75

    1. geoffreym


      I understand, it was just the sheer amount, my other guns change by about 20fps between no hop and maximum hop.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. did someone once say that the B&T GL-05 was crap? and if so is the B&T GL-06 also crap (they might actually be the same just that one or the other companies screwed up the name)?

    1. geoffreym


      as an aside, the plan is to use the TAG archangel rounds with them.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. did someone once say that the B&T GL-05 was crap? and if so is the B&T GL-06 also crap (they might actually be the same just that one or the other companies screwed up the name)?

  6. weird request, don't suppose anyone is any good with photoshop? friend of mine is very self conscious and I want one of my old photo's changed to have a set in.

  7. Is a Windows phone worth £100 more than an Android phone (same phone, different operating systems)?

    1. geoffreym


      slight update, it seems the windows version is 2.3Ghz while the android version is 1.7Ghz, would that change people's mind?

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  8. Is a Windows phone worth £100 more than an Android phone (same phone, different operating systems)?

    1. geoffreym


      The problem is I use my kit quite heavily (I'm quite clumsy and sometimes ham fisted), recently I fell and effectively exploded my iphone in it's otterbox (thank god for warranties) I've also gone through griffon and SLXtreme cases and they all last 6-12 months before being unuseable.

      Size wise, I'm quite happy watching youtube on my iphone (with is a 4inch screen), so 5in I'm quite happy with, plus I expect that by the time I have to change this one the size fad will...

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  9. Is a Windows phone worth £100 more than an Android phone (same phone, different operating systems)?

    1. geoffreym


      it is for personal use with occasional note taking and dictaphone style. a couple of games and movies would be nice.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  10. Is a Windows phone worth £100 more than an Android phone (same phone, different operating systems)?

    1. geoffreym


      android all the way then, been looking at a panasonic FZ-X1 as I seem to go through phones. that one seems to be of a high quality with a strong processor.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  11. There is only one scene in "Fury" i can knock, when the germans throw two grenades onto Brad Pit's lap, then the young kid jumps out of the floor to hide under the tank, the next morning he climbs back into the tank and Brad Pit's body, all all the others inside, are still perfectly in tact, just a couple scratches and a bit of blood... lol

    1. geoffreym


      Really liked the film, up till the last battle, my recommendation is to walk out once they hit the mine.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Is there a glock version available where the selector switch is within the slide? I swear I've seen one somewhere.

  13. I don't suppose anyone knows of any V2 gearboxes (and it can only be V2), with the capability of moving the trigger, preferably using some form of micrswitch?

  14. This is really far off yet, but if I was to look into producing M72a7 or a9 replica's that were affordable (definetately sub £200, hopely sub £150 if I can do it cheaply enough) and that possibly fired nerf footballs, would anyone be interested? I'll be casting one for myself but I can make more if theres an interest

    1. geoffreym


      I would personally prefer just a shell, extremely strong shell though, so that I could fit my own internals.

      If you do make these and there is no risk of breaking if thrown from a second floor window, give me a shout, would quite happily put down a deposit.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. I don't suppose anyone has heard anything about the madbull/socom gear KSG?

    1. geoffreym


      I remember it being announced in 2012, but red wolf did a teaser in january? Kinda brought back some hope.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. I don't suppose anyone has heard anything about the madbull/socom gear KSG?

    1. geoffreym


      Same here, but short of a "Not dead" update beginning of the year, nothing.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. Cheapest place to buy Pyro i have found is Airsoft world, problem is its Airsoft world!! i dont wana order from those crooks, anyone know a better place thats just as cheap? -------------- Also does anyone have a 4inch barrel for sale?

  18. What radios require a licence to be used?

    1. geoffreym


      PMR 446 frequencies, and it has to be 0.5 watts or under.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. just had one of my brake pads fall from underneath my truck, more money to spend, yay

    1. geoffreym


      actually it did, 3 miles from my house when someone rear ended me from 10 miles back which is what I think loosened it.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. Well that's brilliant. £50 for new car windscreen, then £300 for its MOT, and then £220 tax in August. Looks like I'm not going to be getting a new gun any time soon...

    1. geoffreym


      what's the car? my truck is £215 tax, and that's capped due to it being a LGV? has something gone wrong with it's catalytic converter.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. kind of interesting day, my gun was firing 43m (paced it) with some accuracy but everybody was saying they couldn't feel it, found out it was firing between 130fps and 150fps. I guess power doesn't truly matter for range, but it does matter if you want them to feel it lol.

    1. geoffreym


      unfortunately lola is currently being worked on ( :'( ), it's an ex rental ICS M4 which I banged a tightbore and regreased the gears, only guess on the low fps is that nozzle to barrel airseal is weak, other than that, no idea.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

    1. geoffreym


      no worries, when I went to the AFB in florida (can't remember the name) some of them were wearing it.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

    1. geoffreym


      it's ABU, Airman Battle Uniform, pretty cool camo if you ask me

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

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