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Status Replies posted by geoffreym

  1. What do you all want to know about in a Holster Review? Finally Able to do one on a ACM Serpa that's about a year old now so what do you want to know?

    1. geoffreym


      well at least it isn't the torrent of abuse you'd expect from Z1

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  2. L85 lives! You stick your head out at 55m... Sucks to be you! Headshots all day. I'm hitting 2x4 inch targets at 22m with practically every shot. Configured my ACOG to compensate for about 2foot of drop too, so ultra long range shots are going to be a breeze, with the red dot set up for 25m - 55m. Anything under that I can just snap shot reactively. Next weekend ought to be fun! :P

    1. geoffreym


      I think you could buy just a basic/specialized air compressor, or ask you local "Heretics" (paintballers)

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  3. L85 lives! You stick your head out at 55m... Sucks to be you! Headshots all day. I'm hitting 2x4 inch targets at 22m with practically every shot. Configured my ACOG to compensate for about 2foot of drop too, so ultra long range shots are going to be a breeze, with the red dot set up for 25m - 55m. Anything under that I can just snap shot reactively. Next weekend ought to be fun! :P

  4. just won a sports top for my truck, for £200 less than my highest price, very happy

  5. L85 lives! You stick your head out at 55m... Sucks to be you! Headshots all day. I'm hitting 2x4 inch targets at 22m with practically every shot. Configured my ACOG to compensate for about 2foot of drop too, so ultra long range shots are going to be a breeze, with the red dot set up for 25m - 55m. Anything under that I can just snap shot reactively. Next weekend ought to be fun! :P

    1. geoffreym


      if you have the money, why not put that polar star gearbox in, be pretty epic.



    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  6. Been researching the WE AK series, hoping to get the PMC for a CQB loadout. Buuutttt it turns out they're terriblely inefficient regardless of mods even if you live on the surface of the sun. So our climate basically makes it a no no =[

  7. Been researching the WE AK series, hoping to get the PMC for a CQB loadout. Buuutttt it turns out they're terriblely inefficient regardless of mods even if you live on the surface of the sun. So our climate basically makes it a no no =[

  8. Advice needed ASAP, my boss is pissed off with me for being off sick yesterday, i need to ask for a week off to start my new job & see if i like it but of course he doesn't know i even have a new job.

    1. geoffreym


      unfortunately with petty bureaucracy, honesty can be the worst policy, especially if the boss in question is extremely arrogant.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Advice needed ASAP, my boss is pissed off with me for being off sick yesterday, i need to ask for a week off to start my new job & see if i like it but of course he doesn't know i even have a new job.

    1. geoffreym


      With tesco's a stack of wine bottles fell on my head (no damage apart from a bruise bruise bruise bruise), got 2 days off with full pay. get someone to hurt you with something nasty looking which isn't that bad, preferably at work.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. lego FTW

    1. geoffreym


      My parents still have lego scars on their feet lol

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. Where's that comic strip of that cat which finally catches the laser dot?

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