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Anonymoose last won the day on January 16

Anonymoose had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    SIG 553
    H&K G3-SG1/MP5SD7/MP5A5/MP5K-PDW/416D
    Glock 19/18c/42/4
  • Loadouts
    Tactical assault seagull
    Tactical assault reindeer
  • Sites
    Whatever i can get to.
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    North London
  • Interests
    Guns, machining, welding, exploring.

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  1. It sounds like you're telling me i need a TM M&P with a Guarder kit. 🤔
  2. 😕 Just what i read somewhere, no idea the ins and outs or truth of it. Don't have any TM gas guns so no first-hand experience.
  3. What's the deal with TM and gas though? They can't use normal green gas or something?
  4. I really want one. I bought an Umarex CO2 one but it didn't function right. Ergonomically and aesthetically i really liked it and still want one. There's an Umarex green gas one i'm tempted by.
  5. I like my MK20 SSR so much i bought its smaller brother.
  6. I agree. I call them guns because they're... guns. (Of which there are many types, from snow foam guns to impact guns..)
  7. I've only been in it for about 3 months but have found everyone friendly and pleasant that i've met and spoken to at games. While i don't know any of those people outside of that yet, i'm sure it happens enough.
  8. It was a spare one, it needed a home. Suppose it'd be good for night games. 🤔 But now you've said it, i might have to CQB it.
  9. Maybe the crap ones are cheap to run so they're more resilient, but the good sites have higher running costs and more susceptible to market/financial issues.
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