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Everything posted by ButcherBill

  1. There is a thread but nice set up anyway.
  2. FFS, don't go full wookie & take it easy.
  3. I'm so envious of the modellers in an faceache page I joined, they put my cack handed efforts to shame.
  4. I simply go with wearing a boonie, usually MTP or DPM but it's not for protection... it's to stop the shine off my bald head lighting me up like the BellRock lighthouse.
  5. I was never any good at maths... how do you conver 10 sec X2 into a weight/volume?
  6. Every site will be a haze of Lynx, Old Spice & Dove... yes I use stick not a spray on.
  7. Yup.. but some will still buy it. (know I would if money was no object)
  8. Current profile name was a gamer tag I used in Battlefield, my last profile I used my name gavinkempsell but managed to lock myself out of my profile & set this one up a few weeks ago. my CB handle in the 80's was miscellaneousman (god knows why) previous gamer tags were Manb@@bs, Manb@@bs3, Manboobs. I refuse to say why. 🙄
  9. Should have just gone all imersive stick a gillie suit on and shit your pants like the well trained pretend sniper elite soldier you are.
  10. Sounds like you should have strapped it to your zipper.
  11. Can you tell I've taken a step back from spending my kids inheritace on airsoft? Spending it on 'other things' Hands up if you've spend your fair share of time in the back of a crowded landy.
  12. Great choice, had 2 of them myself until a few years ago.
  13. Looks like it might be Cyma M14/M1A Scope Mount like mine, showing as out of stock in a lot of places tho.
  14. Size matters... you know it, I know it, everyone knows it. I added a couple of inches to my weapon (Mk12).
  15. ButcherBill

    Osprey vest

    Good price, might want to increase it & be prepared to haggle.
  16. Did you fabricate the light mount or get bloody lucky online?
  17. I did a similar thing with an Osprey Mk IV but it weighs a tonne so have only used it once in game.
  18. Always impressed by your collection, love the theme & the quality, can I see a closeup of your MP5 'embassy' set up please? I knocked one up best I could using DIY bits n bobs. My walls are full to bursting so focussing on 1/35 scale now
  19. ButcherBill

    Belt set up

    How fat? Not all fatties are equal.
  20. Thinking outside of the box... maybe the return spring is weak? or needing shimmed somehow and your mag is double feeding on full auto?
  21. That's what we're here for... and to take the piss of course.
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