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DanBow last won the day on May 3

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  • Guns
    Valken ASL M4
    CYMA Blue MP5
    WE P226
    G&G GC16 Wildhog
  • Loadouts
    Casual with a bit of DPM thrown in for good measure, or suited and booted aka Heat.
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  • Location
    North Shropshire

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  1. What are you all using as bb catchers for indoors? My cardboard filled box has some large holes and is due replacment.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. gavinkempsell


      A cardboard box with an NBC jacket hanging inside it, still got bb's all over my floor & some I aimed a bit low so they went right through the box :) but it works well enough.


    3. Dan Robinson

      Dan Robinson

      My inner child coupled with my job as a heating engineer means I have a selection of hot water cylinders to shoot outside - the foam lagging acts quite nicely to  not only catch the BBs, but also quite handy for zeroing sights .  Quite what the scrappy will think when they finally get chopped in I don't know.  Inside I have a Gousto box with one of the boy's old school shirts inside.

    4. Madhouse


      I use a cardboard box, duct-tape'd the back for re-enforcement, stuffed it full of that paper stuff amazon use as packing and then tape paper over the front which means I can print targets etc.

      When the front gets worn, I just tape more paper over the top. Nothing's got through the back yet, when it does I'll just tape another layer of card on.

      Might have to put a hole in it at some point to empty the BBs out as it's getting proper rattly.

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