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  • Guns
    CM16 Raider
    TM VSR10 G
    TM 1911
    ICS L85 A2
  • Loadouts
    DPM 1990 style
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  1. Thanks for clarifying guys. i'll ask my site next time I go but good to hear it should be ok.
  2. I'll ask when I'm next at my local site but what the consensus from the forum. Would a 3 or 6 shot shotgun be frowned upon in a game that's semi-fire only. The idea, as I understand it, behind semi is to only have one BB in flight at a time? wouldn't a multi BB shotgun be against this rule?
  3. My son and his mate use Valken Mi-7, they are 12-13 years old. Masks fit great and as they are double lensed don't steam up. They cover the face totally and protect the ears. My son has detached the visor and wears a boonie hat over the top. Only other thing I would recommend for a kid is something to protect the neck, my son got hit in the throat and it hurt him so much he almost gave it up. Unluckily hit but if you've got bare skin you can guarantee you'll get hit there. He now has a scrim around his neck and is fine. Last thing, gloves. getting hit in the knuckle is painful, my daughter got hit and had a lump for weeks.
  4. My sniper rifle is only 1j so have had people not call the hit a few times. Can be annoying but as others say I keep dialling in the shot until I hit somewhere they do notice it. I love the fieldcraft aspect of it, with a low power bolt action you are hugely outgunned which makes sneaking up and getting the hit super satisfying.
  5. Sorry just checked her rifle, it’s a Flex not an Edge. The local shop I use say they sell loads of them and have no issues. I defo buy another one.
  6. Well @WillMidz, I’ve been using my VSR10 bolt action rifle and really loving the different style of play compared to an assault rifle. This, along with my pistol have given me hours of fun. I recently bought a ICS L85 second hand off here to learn how to ‘tech’. I’ve taken the whole thing apart and am in the process of upgrading. I used it at a game the other day and enjoyed the bullpup style, fits with my loadout also. I’m currently waiting for the Noveske N4’s to come back in stock so I can get my first GBB rifle. I’ve come to the conclusion that having a few different weapons allows you to mix things up depending on the game. I go with my kids so we tend to share which is great to mix things up. If I was buying a starter rifle again I would probably go for a Specna Arms Edge. I bought one for my daughter, £170, and it’s fantastic out of the box. I find myself gravitating to this weapon for your standard woodland skirmish, it’s a great all rounder.
  7. I spent £160 on my first AEG and used it heavily for a year before fiddling with it. Even then I didn’t really need to but wanted to try and improve the performance. TBH I wish I’d left it alone as I haven’t made it any better. I don’t regret buying a ‘cheap’ first rif as I spent more on accessories and protection. I think it took a good 6 months of playing before I got a loadout I was happy with. One thing I’ve learnt is everyone have their own favourite, both style of gun and make. It’s a lot like Pivot, YT, Specialized, Santa Cruze, etc. They’re all good and do pretty much the same thing, you’ll have loads of fun whatever you buy, but you will want to move on depending on what style of play you end up preferring.
  8. Ohh, that's a really good point. The clip that goes around the hop up unit to hold the barrel is sitting a little bit higher than it was before. Its only a miniscule amount but I wonder if that's enough friction to work against the barrel spring to stop the unit seating in the exact same place. I didn't make any changes like adding tape so can rule that out. I'll try again when I get back from work tonight. Thanks for responding.
  9. I know there’s a few threads on this kind of issue but I can’t find one with my specific issue. I took my CM16 apart to replace the bucking rubber (same green rubber). When I put it back together it worked perfectly and felt really nice. When getting the rifle crono’d on Saturday the magazine wouldn’t lock in. I tried 3-4 different mags, mid, high caps with the same result. I took it apart, checked everything about 15 times with no improvement. When I got home I took it apart and this time managed to get the mag to lock, but now it only feeds one or two BB’s before nothing. Inside the CM16 it’s simple, so it’s really bugging me that I can’t see what’s wrong. Any ideas? it must be an alignment issue but I can’t see from where, what have I done wrong? thanks in advance. Dave
  10. Hey, I haven’t posted on this thread for a while but had a great day so thought I’d share. Went all on my own to my local site which is Dogtag, as my son had other things to do. I decided to take along the VSR10 I bought us but I’ve never used as he hogs it, along with my CM16. My CM16 decided to break almost instantly so had to use the VSR10 for the whole morning. OMG I has a awesome time, it’s only mildly upgraded so is just under 1j, this meant I didn’t have the 30m limit which is something Dogtag are trialing. The game style using a bolt action rifle is so different to what I’m used to, but I loved it. Using a scope and really planing your shots is a whole another world. The satisfaction of getting that hit, taking it into account the fall of the BB, etc is a buzz. Some moments I missed the fire rate of the CM16 but my pistol kind of made up for it. I might need to rethink my next gun purchase 🤔
  11. A great read this thread. I'm 47 and started this game a year ago after my son said he wanted to try it. I was honestly expecting airsoft to be more serious but have had some of the best laughs I've had in years. As above, army surplus and airsoft boot sales are a great source of kit. I waited until the had the UKARA before buying and even then just got a 'cheap' £150 gun, I'm still using it a year later and only now looking to upgrade. I have started running and trying to get fit as this is letting me down a bit, not a side effect I was expecting from Airsoft.,,
  12. @Nick G that’s a glowing recommendation. I think I’m sold on getting one and giving it a go.
  13. Thanks for the reply’s. I think my favourite moments so far are switching to my side arm when out of amo and being overrun by enemy 😀. This cold factor is starting to play on my mind, I play all year round and spending £500 on a set up that I can’t use all the time seems a bit off. I need to do more thinking…
  14. Thanks for the swift reply’s. Really good points for me to think about. I’m using 0.20 at the moment but did try 0.25 towards the end of the last game. I think I noticed an improvement but will try again when gaming next week. I’ll check the barrel and bucking. I’ll try loading less BB’s also and see how I get on. weight is something I didn’t think of, are gas mags really that much heavier? As it is I carry all the mags and grenades, not just for me but for my two kids…. I might as well ask while I’ve got you guys, if I do decide to stick with an AEG, what’s a good next step to the CM16? keep the thoughts coming please….
  15. I’ve been playing for over a year now and am looking to move on from my starter G&G CM16. I do like the rifle but find the range and accuracy a bit frustrating sometimes. I find I have to fire a lot of BB’s to get the hit and although I’ve got used to this style of play I’d like to step it up. I went to my local store and had a EMG Noveske N4 suggested to me as an option. I have to say it felt really nice but never fired or played with a GBBR. I don’t mind spending £500 (gun, mags, acc, etc) but as my main weapon, I want to make sure I’m doing the right thing going to gas. I love using my gas 1911 pistol for its realism and am hoping GBBR gives me the same feeling. My main worry is having a mag with only 35 shots. I’m currently using high caps and hearing the rate of fire of some of the other players, makes my nervous about being outgunned. Any thoughts?
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