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  • Guns
    CM16 Raider
    TM VSR10 G
    TM 1911
    ICS L85 A2
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    DPM 1990 style
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  1. Oh no, this was on my list of sites to try, what's wrong with it?
  2. @Impulse Thanks for the info. My AEG is only full auto at the moment so I don't know if that will effect things. In semi-auto games or areas I use my pistol. My bolt rifle is 1j so should be ok. @The_Lord_PonchoYes, the times I've been its always been well attended. I know Dogtag is a small part of a larger concern with Archery, axe throwing and other type activities, there's also the paintball and laser tag areas. Even if the airsoft is going well it could be affected by business in the other areas. Honestly don't know.
  3. FYI, Dogtag in Horsham/Crawley has closed for the foreseeable future. I did go to Driverwood once but it didn't really work for me, can't put my finger on why.... I'll give it another go but also looking forward to trying Worthing Airsoft next weekend, any tips for Worthing? Is Invicta's woodland site in Kent worth the trip? Its about 1h from me.
  4. Incase you're interested in what I did.... I bought another TM VSR 10, but in OD this time. I did handle the other snipers, TAC-41, SSG's, they were nice but felt like 'too much' of a gun for what I need, if you see what I mean. The clean line and simplicity of the VSR is a real attraction to me. I've bought the parts to upgrade to the same spec as my other VSR, this will be fine for now until I feel the need to go further. Thanks for all the input and DM's guys, its really appreciated. The scope is just one I had lying about. its a x50 and too big in my view. I'll keep an eye out for a nice x40 mildot.
  5. I have what Rogerborg has an image of above. use a sniper with standard height sight and no issues. Face covering is such a personal choice, I rarely see two set ups the same.
  6. Well that’s a glowing review for the TAC-41. I’ve got a lot to think about, thanks again.
  7. Thanks guys. I’ll have a look at the TAC-41 this weekend at my local shop. Thank you impulse for the detailed comparison.
  8. Ohhh, maybe You can fit M42 silencers on a TAC-41....
  9. I have already bought one about 9 months ago and am thinking of getting another. When I got it, I did some small upgrades (thanks to you guys) that improved the range and accuracy, but kept the stock spring so my son could cock it. What's happened now is that both my son and daughter love using it so I don't get a look in! I also really enjoy using it and as it's on the 1J limit we don't have a minimum engagement distance, this means I don't have to worry about my kids accidently shooting someone at close range. So, with this in mind I'm thinking or buying another one and upgrading to a higher specification, maybe 2J. This would be MY rifle! I'm struggling a bit with spending £230 in a rifle and then spending £200+ on upgrading by replacing the new parts. I'm happy to invest and do the work but don't want to throw money away. Question is, should I be looking at a cheaper platform than the TM to start with if I'm going to end up throwing a load of parts away? I love the look of the VSR10 G spec with the silencer, its a really nice looking weapon!.....
  10. Welcome! I’m just over a year into your story. My daughter now plays sometimes as well as my son and I, so I’m at x3 on all costs. Step one, get the UKARA defence, as for rifle, get what you like the look of. Guarantee you will have at least 3 or 4 within a year 🤣 The Specna Arms are good value and I can testify to them being good starter weapons.
  11. Thanks for clarifying guys. i'll ask my site next time I go but good to hear it should be ok.
  12. I'll ask when I'm next at my local site but what the consensus from the forum. Would a 3 or 6 shot shotgun be frowned upon in a game that's semi-fire only. The idea, as I understand it, behind semi is to only have one BB in flight at a time? wouldn't a multi BB shotgun be against this rule?
  13. My son and his mate use Valken Mi-7, they are 12-13 years old. Masks fit great and as they are double lensed don't steam up. They cover the face totally and protect the ears. My son has detached the visor and wears a boonie hat over the top. Only other thing I would recommend for a kid is something to protect the neck, my son got hit in the throat and it hurt him so much he almost gave it up. Unluckily hit but if you've got bare skin you can guarantee you'll get hit there. He now has a scrim around his neck and is fine. Last thing, gloves. getting hit in the knuckle is painful, my daughter got hit and had a lump for weeks.
  14. My sniper rifle is only 1j so have had people not call the hit a few times. Can be annoying but as others say I keep dialling in the shot until I hit somewhere they do notice it. I love the fieldcraft aspect of it, with a low power bolt action you are hugely outgunned which makes sneaking up and getting the hit super satisfying.
  15. Sorry just checked her rifle, it’s a Flex not an Edge. The local shop I use say they sell loads of them and have no issues. I defo buy another one.
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