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Everything posted by Gryph

  1. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Looking for a black MCX. Ideally upgraded, but no worries if not. I've got no preference on the make, and mags/batteries, etc... are negotiable and totally up to the seller. Happy to negotiate a price, but I don't really want to spend more than £500ish. Show me what you've got😉



  2. I've treated myself to some Vans MTE-2s in the January sales, some decent savings on them. They're more trainer style and I've hard a lot of good things
  3. That looks neat as hell. Kinda reminds me of the WA2000, albeit a bit more modernised. I always loved that rifle...
  4. Unfortunately there aren't any M1.8s there. I'm not entirely sure that the screw was measured correctly at the fasteners I took it to, so I'm going to go to another one on Monday and see what they say. I've spoken to a mate who's told me that M1.8 isn't a standard measurement so I'm thinking something's gone wrong somewhere! Cheers though, Accu looks like a useful site to have for future reference!
  5. Hey all, The mag release screw on one of my AEGs has broken. I've taken it to a fastener shop and he's measured it for me so I know that I need an M1.8 screw with a length of 6mm, but I have no idea where I can get one from. I can find them online but they're all self taping and I don't really want to bore into part of my mag release! Anyone know where I can get one from? I've tried the usuals (amazon, ebay, etc...) and local model and fastener shops with no luck. I can find smaller and bigger but no M1.8s! Cheers, Gryph
  6. Gryph


    I think the sight is a Feyachi RDS-25 if that helps to sell
  7. Pics in the reviews seem to suggest that they're the genuine article
  8. Policy where I work is that motorcycle helmets need to be removed in every collision so that you can open airways etc... There is a method to this that I won't get in to for berevity. The summary of the reasoning is that if you somehow kill them by removing the helmet, then chances are they'll have been dead regardless and it's better to do something to help, than stand and let someone die. Primary function of a bobby is preservation of life which is pretty hard to do if you can't clear someone's airways. I'm sort of reiterating what Poncho's said above there though. That's totally fair, I suppose it's horses for courses at the end of the day, our first aid training isn't as good as yours because it's not our primary function (I do think that there should be a bigger focus on it though, personally) and you guys have much better kit for saving lives. Our first aid kits are pretty shocking to be honest with you, we've only recently had our cars issued with AEDs and CATs!
  9. You're absolutely right, bobbies are never off duty. When it comes to the practical side though it's a bit trickier - most people won't use their powers off duty unless it's to save life or limb because it generally causes more harm than good, especially with what's been going on in the news recently!
  10. If a mesh mask is causing issues you could always put a 1 hole bally underneath? Does get a smidge warm during heatwaves though. I suffer from exczma as well so I can definitely sympathise! There's a few sites where you can find ex police NATO helmets (the riot helmets with the visors) for pretty cheap. Not sure how well they'd do in terms of fogging and general protection though.
  11. Gryph

    Emerson gear Talos set

    Really good if people want to do an older style CTSFO loadout^
  12. I'm a response bobby, so I carry a first aid pouch in my rucksack when I'm out and about, and have a repro BFG micro trauma kit on my belt. I've also got a little boo boo pouch that lives in my trouser pocket and definitely sees more use than the FAK. Boo boo kit has varying types of drugs (all legal, I swear), plasters and some 3M tape. I think that everyone should carry a small kit for whingeries - you never know when you need a plaster and you look like a bit of a dick if everyone has bandages and CATs, but no one has a plaster. As for the CPR debate, current training in my force is 30 compressions and 2 breaths, but we carry the full face seals so I don't have to smooch the casualty. With that being said, our first aid training upsets people because there's some techiniques we're taught that people don't like (i.e. removing crash helmets)
  13. Ty mate, it's the first time I've rattlecanned a rifle so I'm pretty pleased with how it's turned out. I'm thinking of getting a nice repro torch and an PEQ box just for the looks. I used halfords camo spray paint. They're about 7 quid a can. I used khaki and brown on mine. The netting is a laundry net that I cut up because I never use it!
  14. Hey mate, didn't see your message! Mine is pretty basic at the moment, I've got a red dot on it and a TD stubby foregrip. Running a repro ferro slingster, but looking to get that swapped out pretty soonish. I rattlecanned the lower on it last weekend.
  15. Cheers! It's the first paintjob I've done so I'm pretty pleased I've not messed it up too badly lmao Rifle wise, I've not had the chance to get out and about with it too much yet, so take this with a pinch of salt. Externally it's nice. It's decently weighty and it doesn't feel as flimsy as other stuff I've used. The charging handle is decent too and doesn't get stuck while I'm trying to adjust the hopup like the specna rifles I've used do. Performance wise it's snappy and it's nicely accurate (I do play indoors though, so I've not got any problems with wind)
  16. I painted up my Rossi L119A2 recently. It's not much, but it turned out better than I was expecting. Picture quality is pretty shocking!
  17. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Hey all, I'm looking for 3 parts to fix up an old SD5 I've recently gained. I'm looking for: > A charging handle (Specificially the handle itself, because it's been snapped) > A pin for the barrel cover > A new fire selector Pics of all are attached. I've found some sites where I can find these new, but want to see if anyone on here have any parts that they'd be willing to sell first. Delivery would be ideal because they're all small items that could be shoved in an envelope with some bubblewrap! Cheers, Gryph


  18. +1 for WAS. I've been rolling with my DCS for a while now for a CTPSW impression and it's honestly pretty good. It gets very warm in the summer though. In the heatwaves we've had my WG turns MCB from sweat. It's not a great look. I'm thinking about picking up a FCPC V5 but I really can't justify dropping £400+ on all the parts right now
  19. Picked up a Rossi L119A2 from high pressure airsoft. So far it's a good little gun. Decent weight, good looking externals and it's pretty snappy. Sadly I've decided to jump on the A2 bandwagon as they're going to be swapping them out for KAC KS1's lmao
  20. Gryph

    WTB CTSFO Gear

    I run a SWCTU build (ish, I'm too broke to have an MCX). For the helmet you can use any brand of Opscore style helmet in black. I use a Nuprol one. If you want a holster most armed police use Safariland 6004 SLS holsters which you can pick up without the £200 pricetag on police surplus sites. Pouches on the vest are entirely up to you, ARVOs/SFOs more or less have free reign to use whatever pouches they want wherever they want on their vests. C2R are like rocking horse shit to come across, but countrywide CT use an array of equipment, from WAS to Ferro Concepts. I've seen some people rocking EmersonGear stuff in WG but that's becoming increasingly harder to find and you're starting to pay too high for an airsoft brand imo.
  21. Hi all, Where's the best place to get a repro slingster in the UK? I've struggled to find any sites that stock the TMC repro (other brands are available) and I'd like to nab one. Sadly I don't have Ferro cash at the moment. Cheers, Gryph
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