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  • Guns
    L85, M249 Para, Glock 17
  • Loadouts
    BritMil circa 2010 Afghan Osprey mtp, mk7 etc.
  • Sites
    Used to be ambush back in the day, also zero one a couple of times, England versus Scotland at Winney Hill. Site down near Detling Hill several times. Lasham, Andover, one near Blackwater. Quite a few
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  1. Getting out - all for sale BritMil kit.

    M249, Glock 17, Rubber L85 bayonet

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rob92


      Fair enough.  I was stumped where to sell my air soft RIFs to be honest… 😞

    3. Druid799


      You could also try ‘pre-fired’ , ‘zero in’ and ‘used airsoft’ as other places to sell . Also you can always stick around here for a bit start commenting , get ‘your face known’ as it where and you’d be golden . 👍

    4. Rob92


      Thanks for the pointers, will try both. Only really dropping out due to life commitments and lack of time really.

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