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  • Guns
    KJ glock 32
    G&G Wild Hog
    Specna Arms SA-A02
    Krytac Trident MkII CRB
  • Loadouts
    cheap dpm and a viper vest to save my sides
  • Sites
    Halo Mill
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    West Yorkshire
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  1. Can anyone recommend a light bearing holster for a sig F226 e2? I have one from nuprol for my glock, but I understand they don't do one for the sig
  2. Nice scope, where did you pick that up and for how much?
  3. Had a great time at the Gaol on Sunday. Great site, lots of interesting buildings in this former prison. Some outdoor area which I found very exciting.


    The other teams players were all good sports and for the most part hits were called. Just need to buy some grenades lol. 


    Worth a trip. Nice lunch and the staff were very friendly. Good number of marshals keeping us all in order.


    Sadly lost my shemagh which was a gift from a pal. So if anyone picked up a dark green and black scarf please let me know :(


    Pretty sure I dropped it, but I dropped a brand new glock pistol mag which was handed back in, so a very honest bunch!!


    £35 for the day. Well worth it and the 5:30 am start 😮

  4. Thanks again for the advice. Called them, but they don't supply the screws. Ordered a set from amazon, hopefully won't be smaller than an M3 lol
  5. By way of an update, I've had a proper look with a pal who knows his stuff. The new front sight has a hole all the way through from the top. So I'm told I can find a very small grub screw to screw it down once it's slipped into the slot. Once in it stays on, but can move laterally, so the screw keeps it in place. Alternatively, a blob of glue should do. Does anyone have any tiny grub screws or a source for getting one? Not sure what size, but looks a little like the type that comes with a flash hider. Thanks in advance.
  6. Thank you for the response. I don't think it came with a screw and there's no hole under the slide to screw through to the sight. I will take another look tonight, but thank you for helping
  7. New sight has arrived, can anyone advise on how to fix it on?
  8. Hi I'm after a little help with a s/h we sig f229 I've just picked up. It's a bit battle worn and has no front sight. Can anyone let me know how best to fit a replacement front sight? Got one on the way, but the slot on the slide has a small hole. I'm assuming the sight just slides into the groove. Is this correct? If not, does it need to be glued on? I don't have the replacement yet, so I can't work out if it will slide in or will need to be glued on. Thanks is advance for any help.
  9. Hi there, do you mean the bulbs themselves are not standard?
  10. good find. £7.50 postage, still a bargain!!
  11. Hi there, thank you for your help. I have seen the balance boards that appear to allow a user to charge identical batteries at the same time. They appear to either be deans or xt60 connectors. My batteries have the mini tamiya connectors, so I just wondered whether there was a balance charging board that had those connections to avoid having to slice and splice deans on my batteries and my rifles. I may just charge one at a time until I have to upgrade. I'm hopeful the Imax B6 proves to be an improvement over my asg charger
  12. Can anyone tell me what balance charging board I need for the imax b6 AC V2 charger to charge up my mini tamiya batteries?
  13. Thank you, what's the going price, to avoid the clones on ebay. Recommended seller? Thank you.
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