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    M4A1 platform upgraded.
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  1. I have asked if an idea has the potential to be viable on airsoft fields. My idea is, as correctly quoted, pointed out & documented, aimed at site owners. To throw some backing & credentials in the mix, I am the production supervisor at https://www.argonelectronics.com/ Check the link before spouting nonsense. Don't block someone before discussing everything.
  2. I have you measured up Rogerborg. You are so insignificant in your real life, you TRY to be a dominating force online. The trouble with that is that you have an online footprint. Your online footprint belongs to a who? I actively mask my OFP, you simply don't have one. Next time you think being a "keyboard warrior" is a good idea and saying "don't PM, we're not friends" consider this. YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS. Good day, good night, good evening and fuck off.
  3. I understand what you are saying and wish to expand but until I have a working model accompanied by a patent or patents, I can't say more. I can say the kit would consist of target & tracker units, be accurate within 2 meters and cost less than you might think. I PM'd you to take this debate away from the thread. I'm not trying to push anything on anyone. My idea is aimed towards site owners, not players.
  4. To cut a long story short. I am thinking of making a tracking system for airsoft. A modular target unit Sorry, I thought I had answered that question. I am not trying to flog anything. I have an idea and the means to produce a version for testing. I can, & will apply for patents.
  5. "I WILL BUY SCOPE COZ SCOPE MAKE ME SHOOT FURTHER!" By all means follow the fad & buy a scope, crack on. I hear exactly what you're saying.
  6. A complete kit would be provided for a single price point. The kit would contain a "target" unit (the unit being tracked), a tracking device ( additional tracking units available at additional cost), charger for both units & full instructions. To quote an earlier reply, I am working on this in my own time and fully understand the cost implications. Feel free to message me directly for more info. You could incorporate my idea into this scenario. Please DM me to discuss further A full colour tracking device would be provided. You can track the "target" and hunt it down. By all means use the "shoot in that general direction and I will hit something technique". If you have a high enough ROF & enough HI-Cap mags, it might work.
  7. I think that's the norm for most players above a certain age. If you had a the scenario of "track this" presented, would you enjoy it?
  8. Unsure why you would be in the same spot for 2 hours on your standard walk-on site when game last 1 hour max. On a larger site the "package" can be mobile. This means strategy has to change as the "package" moves. The RTT also means a RT timer (clock) can be set. If The package is configured to work with an armed/disarmed system, it adds an extra dynamic to the existing "stop John with the illuminous arm bands getting from X to Y"
  9. Hi all. Having been an airsofter for 10+ years, I have played at various sites round the UK, woodland, urban, Ex MOD, cheap 'n' nasty etc etc etc. The game scenarios get very "samey" after a while. Capture the flag, fallback, domination, main objective etc etc. I've been working on a project to mix things up! We've all played the VIP game mode. The VIP has to be found and rescued. The only clues given are "illuminous armbands" & it's being played in this area. If you could play VIP, Dirty Bomb, Get the Asset and have active, real-time tracking, would you enjoy it?
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