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RostokMcSpoons last won the day on December 15 2023

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    VFC HK416, DE M906C, JG SA58, Tippmann HPA, AUG HC, Scarab, M14, F2000, S552, AK47S, M16, TM 5.1 DOR
  • Loadouts
    MTP or S95 DPM + assorted webbing
  • Sites
    SpecialOps @ Milton Keynes
  • Gender
  • Location
    Milton Keynes

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  1. Chuffed to see a couple of L85s appear in the Action Hobbies boneyard tonight, at prices that made me want to break out the old credit card... 


    Gutted when attempts to purchase either of 'em failed within 4 minutes of them appearing, as someone else beat my to the punch.   ARGGGGGHHHHHH.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gavinkempsell


      Borked in what way?

    3. RostokMcSpoons


      Ah, my ICS L85 was bought in 'wall hanger' condition, I've got the motor to turn over but tbh I've never tried too hard to sort it


      My Cybergun F2000 was bought as a project gun, so I changed the motor and added a MOSFET, but couldn't get it to shoot properly.  I've had stripped pistons, misfeeds, but now the gun locks up after a few bursts on full auto (but it's a great until that happens!). I've meddled with the insides but can't fix it.

    4. gavinkempsell


      I learned pretty quickly that I'm no tech, currently have 5 rif's away to get fixed or downgraded (1 is a L85A1).

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